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"A beginning" has bit the bullet.
It's sort of like a pet dying, something you poured yourself into had to be destroyed. I didn't consider it as underage sex at all. It was a young boy having the time of his life, getting dragged along for the ride yes, but revelling in every moment. Sort of life affirming in it's own way.
Going to finish of a day in the life, not a story I particuarly like. I didn't like myself at the time the story depicts either, while the memories get me hot, they feel sort of empty as well. After that I'm not sure what I'll do. Probably do the old cycle of eat, work, drink, sleep and repeat for a while until I feel inspired to write something new.
Hi guys I'm going to apolgise for this.
"A Beginning," the only story that I have that was actually getting a large readership, and I really wanted to write. I'm going to have to pull it down. Not because I want to, but because I'm sort of averse to spending the next ten years in a special relationship with a rather large male that I'll just call Bubba as a generic term. For all those "Bubbas" out there I'll apologise as well.
For anybody following the thread about people of the tiger in the forum, and the age of consent laws that forced only the rewritten version to be posted, you can probably understand where I'm coming from.
I happen to live in NSW, the only state in Australia that regards the participation of a minor in a sex act in a story as pedophilia punishable by law. Sort of sucks to be me. Short of moving to Queensland, I won't be able to write this story.
After I finish off "A day in the life" I am going to come back and revisit this idea with slightkly older character, just to avoid the chance of my rectum being forcably widened, something that I'm trying to avoid for at least another 9 years when I have to have a prostate exam. Yep I'm really not looking foward to that one, I might like my doctor, but I don't think we're ever going to reach the stage in our relationship that I'm going to be eager to have his fingers back there.
Sorry to everyone who might have been reading this story
Sorry it's taking a while to finish the final chapter of A day in the life. Real life has sort of gotten in the way, between having to go back to Tafe (Technical college), and working full time. I just haven't had time to sit down and write.
It's been so hectic I've barely logged on to check my email. Things should call down a bit fow the next few days, so I can hopefully finish off at least one story.
So apologies to the few, the brave, the merry. Those who were waiting for the last chapter.
I sort of wish I knew about editors when I was still in high school.
Coffesion time. When I was younger I couldn't tell you the difference between a verb and a noun. still can't to tell you the truth. I know a verb is a doing word, but my teacher didn't exactly explain it in a way that I could actually understand beyond that concept. However a certain individual who I will be sure to thank profusely when I repost the works I have already written , is reteaching me the basics of the english language in a way even I can understand, probably growing grey hairs as we speak.
To any authors just starting out on this site, and about to post their first story, get an editor. It'll make you feel better when your feedback is concentrated around your plot being new and original instead of telling you need an editor, or a proof reader to correct your obvious grammatical errors.
Thanks both to those providing feedback for pointing out the obvious to me that I hadn't noticed, and those spending their valuble time editing for me, and teaching me to write a good story. Hopefully I will make their job easier in future.
Who would have believed that something, that during college would have taken me about 10 minutes to write, with no purpose but to get a girlfriend horny while she was visiting her parents, with friends or just because I wanted to see her squirm her way through her next class, would take me a week and a half to write now. I'm about half way through it and so far it's definately earning it's stroke tag that the first few chapters didn't. Hopefully it will be worth the wait.
By the way still looking for an editor if anybody out there is interested. I'm honest enough with myself to realise that I'm never going to be a great writer, I'd settle for being slightly better than average however. If you think you can help, and your personal kinks coincide with mine. Only payments will be my eternal gratitude, and a sneek peak at anything I might write.
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