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I should probably apologise for my posting schedule...
But I'm not going to. I've known where I'm going with this story for a while. but the getting there is going to be difficult. I want to write something to rival "day of the jackal" I want you all to know where I'm going, where I'm going to wind up. but I want you wondering right up to the end how I'm going to get there. posted one chapter, hopefully two tonight.
The first chapter of garden of eden has been posted. While not all chapters are going to be as dark, this isn't going to be a nice story by anyones standards. I'll get back to other stories when I can write them. Honestly I have to be in the right mood to write good smut. Even more so I have to be in the right mood to write bad smut.
Okay so a kickass tv (that's television, not the other), a laptop, and a couple of miles of cable later, I have an internet connection. Thank god for modern electronics. Anybody over the age of about 20 can see where I'm coming from. Standardised electronics mean that all technology nowadays uses PnP connections, and all drivers are pre loaded. A couple of cables can fix almost anything, even a laptop frying it's graphics SPU. I won't be quick doing any posting but anyone that wants to reach me might actually get an answer now.
While I know that the few of you who are anxiously waiting for the next product of my fevered imagination will be disapointed, I'm not going to be posting for a while. My computer has developed a small problem with switching on. I think one of the rabbits from my last post may have given it something. So until I sort out a new computer I'll be sort of quiet. Thanks to you all and hope to be back soon.
So we're at that time of year again, where young (and old) kids gorge themselves on chocolate Easter eggs. How many of you have spared a thought for the poor Easter bunny however? He's slaving away, producing all those eggs for you, and all he wants to do is lay down and get over his latest dose of myxomatosis. So I've put up an interview recordeed recently.(A friend of a friend of mine sat down with him). The Bunny's take on Easter. Enjoy
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