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Okay going to try something different here, going to take an old classic, something I'm sure all of you have read at some point in time, probably under protest. Turning it into something that that I might have actually wanted to read when I was a horny sixteen year old high school student.
Going to start with A Midsummer Nights Dream. Not exactly what I suffered through in High School english, I got Othello. Theres enough stories about Black guys with a pound of flesh on here allready however.
Anybody interested in writing in this univerese, you're wellcome to have a go.
In other news, going to try to sit down and finish a day in the life. before continuing with beginning and msd.
Cheers slightlyjaded
So here I am, watching as the clock ticks over to the one day a year that Florists, card manufacturers, and chocolatiers love so much. Much as they would have you believe there is something wrong with you if you don't have a girlfriend/ boy friend, significant other, or even a pet ferret that you value very much (As one author joked on the forum recently). Sorry don't buy it, much as I would love to stick my dick in everything with a pulse, I actually have standards as to what I'm willing to wake up too the next day. Unless I've been drinking of course, I might find out my standards might have been a little "lax" the night before, as I sit there with my head pounding and wondering what zoo might be missing a 300 pound gorilla. So heres to all the people who have found themselves single on valentines day. Eat drink and screw yourselves silly, for tommorow is just another day
You know might hat's really off to the guys and gals that do this reguarly.
Read, read, and reread.
The moment you post however. Oops theres a mistake there, and another there, and how did I ever miss that one.
Thank you for all the feedback on the first two chapters. I hope to repay your continued interest in how this story develops, by not making quite so many dumb mistakes as time goes on.
just for those who are curious, I'm a chef, sums up my life in a nutshell, long hours, time off removed from the times humanity regards as party days, needed some way to relax,and here I am, thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy my writing, if you don't all constructive critique is wellcome
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