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Reluctant_Sir: Blog


Christmas, Yule, Hannukkah or whatever you celebrate...

Posted at

I am a relaxed agnostic... don't know and don't care, but I still enjoy the season. I made it an enjoyable time in spite of those who would have it be otherwise, and you could too.

Holidays are what you decide they are, after all, and that's not something they can regulate, or legislate, away unless you give them the power over your thoughts!

Tonight I will lift a favored beverage and wish the universe grant you and yours a safe and happy holiday.

I have never participated in NaNoWriMo or any organized events

Posted at

I saw aroslav talk about participating in his blog, and he was knocking it out of the park.

I got curious and looked online to find it is 50k for the month and I have had months I didn't (or couldn't) do 5K!

Still, completely coincidentally, I would have met the word count with no problem, this month.

At the beginning of the month, I had a hankering to write a super hero story. I had written the outline for the world creation event, you know, what gives heroes their power, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to use it. I only had about ten thousand words written of the actual storyline, so if I junked it, or saved it, no big loss.

Started a thread in the forum asking about open super hero universes and found some I like, was invited to others. I most certainly want to play in their sandboxes, but the story I had in mind wouldn't fit. So, back to my story.

Today I hit 78K words on this story, plus a side trip to put down about 30K in a story idea that popped up, so I have been very productive this month whether I intended to or not!

Notice that nowhere above did I even intimate that what I have written this month is any good. Just want to make that clear ;)

I guess this has been a long-winded way of saying I am alive, well, and... was bored.

For those who have written in asking for me to continue this or that story, I have to say No, or, at least, not yet.

I am not ready to go back to already completed stories yet, I have a hundred and ten partially finished stories that I need to either finish or junk for good, first.

Let me close with these three requests, to be taken in whatever order you choose:

*Stay Safe
*Wear Your Masks
*Don't Be A Cunt

Alive and kicking

Posted at

A reader wanted to know if I had survived thus far and, despite how I feel some mornings, the answer is yes.

Good News/Bad News: No breaks in work for me. I didn't get pushed out temporarily or permanently by this Covid mess, so that is both good (I like to eat and live inside) and bad, (I could use a couple of months to just... you know, exist.)

I didn't so much get declared essential as be recognized as someone who was already mostly safe in my working environment since I work from a home office. See how that works?

"Oh, you are already isolating? Excellent! We need to you pick up the slack for those who have to leave the office."

I literally have not left my home since March 14th. Thankfully, I live where deliveries are common anyway, so I am taking advantage of those services.

Anyway. Haven't written much worth talking about. Jotted down some ideas, scripting out a new story I want to write, trying to find inspiration to finish the 3 or 4 I have that just need endings.

No promises, no schedules, sorry.

Dark Days 2 is done...

Posted at

There was a blip in the last chapter, some duplicated lines I forgot to take out, totally my screwup and it is part written AFTER the editors did their thing so I can't even pretend.

Anyway, I am uploading a fresh copy of the entire story, with all the edits the readers have found to date, so hopefully those that were waiting for the story to be complete will get the newest version!

Thank you, as always, for your support and your patience and your edits and... Just, thanks.


Posted at Updated:

The response was much better than I had anticipated and shows our readers are from all over the globe!


863 Readers

53 Countries

From the US alone

518 Readers


I did a simple web search for free map software ( ) and free image hosting ( ). There is no signup or other requirements. No other reason, I am not affiliated with the website. If you experience issues, please let me know and I can try some other host.

There are some restrictions with links in Blog posts here and I don't remember what they are, so you will have to do a copy and paste, sorry!

If you would like to see the graphical representation on a world map AND the Raw Data:

https:[delete this bit]//

What can I say here but THANK YOU once again for participating. It went better that I hoped and I am very happy with the results!



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