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Reluctant_Sir: Blog


Pitchforks and torches on sale, aisle 6!

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The overwhelming consensus seems to be that I am a jerk.

I never claimed otherwise, for the record.

This time though, it was over the ending of Heal Thy Self! I deliberately left the ending open, but I never intended it to be a cliff-hanger and honestly did NOT see it as being one.

The idea was to leave it open, showing DJ willing to push boundaries, something he was certainly loathe to do before that point... a healing, in and of itself.

Well, that went over like a sloppy BJ during the eucharist.

Okay, so, I just submitted an alternate, nicely tied up with a big bow, ending. Just for you.

Those that sent me email or posted comments, have a look. Those who missed it all hue and cry? Tough cookies! (Kidding, the original story ended at Chapter 2. Chapter 3 is the alternate ending.)

Hero League Inc. story # 3 is in the queue for Thursday AM

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You folks have been AWESOME about this new Universe, a lot of support and supportive comments coming in from readers, so I am going to continue the trend and post the entire story tomorrow morning.

Story #3 is about a very private, very shy and insular young man, the survivor of a sadistic cult, who finds himself the center of attention! Maybe it is what he needed though, to end the circle, the cycle of pain he lives.

Thanks again to all the readers!

Hero League Inc, next story queued

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I was going to wait a while, but figured I might as well just let it out. It will be posted Monday morning.

This next story is a step back in time to the chaos that was society just after The Fall. Starting eleven months after Malkin's Asteroid wreaked havoc on the world, it takes a look at a small city and some of its denizens.

It is a substantially shorter story than the introductory story, Seraph, but less world building needed to be done. It does have the same prologue though, for those who stumble on this later, out of sequence. You can skip it if you like, as it should be word for word the same as the first story.

The stories that will follow this, every few days, are all shorter than the first, but all will be be linked, at least peripherally, so there is some continuity.

My aim was to spot these stories through the first fifty years or so to give other writers some yards sticks they can use when writing their own (or yardsticks to ignore if they want, it's up to them!)

I hope you enjoy Sword Sister, Soul Sister as much as you did Seraph.

Seraph got a good review!

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After a long hiatus with no reviews, I have gotten a second one this year, this time for my fledgling univers, Hero League, Inc and the first story, Seraph.

Thanks again to burka_oz for taking the time to share his thoughts with SOL readers!

All of burka_oz's reviews, including his review on Seraph, can be found here:


F*&*(54w Today didn't start well, did it?

Posted at

Good news, Bad news.

The formatting of the Universe bible looks like shit and the first story, Seraph, was supposed to post only the first chapter, but I somehow screwed that up as well so....

You get the entire story the first day!

Don't say I never gave you anything ;)



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