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Reluctant_Sir: Blog


New story in the Hero League, Inc. Universe!

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We have our first new contribution to the Hero League, Inc. universe, and I was stoked to see it! I was hoping to get other authors to contribute, and it is gratifying to see it come to fruition.

The writer Dethe has contributed Archangel to the Universe, and I hope it is the first of many, both from Dethe and from other writers.

A reminder, this is an open Universe, so no special permissions or considerations are required. I do ask that writers try to color mostly inside the lines, so you aren't messing things up for others, though!

Clitorides, Edits and... stuff.

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First, thank you to those that nominated me for awards during the Annual Clitorides nomination period.

While I don't do this for awards or money, I won't lie and say it doesn't make me smile to be nominated.

I have been getting a lot of emails with edits, corrections and so on, only to find that I have already corrected a lot of them, but no one knows that because I never loaded the corrected stories!

I am not the sharpest pencil in the box, sometimes.

So, several stories have been updated with edits that were long overdue.

I have already had a couple of authors tell me they were writing for the new universe, and that makes me a happy camper. I hope this is a successful endeavor, but you never know for sure what will catch the eye and imagination of the readers.


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I have gotten a lot of suggestions, edits, corrections and so on (not surprising, the readers here are pretty sharp) and I have uploaded new versions of all the Hero League, Inc. stories AND Saint Luke as well.

Special shout out to davidl150 for his many suggestions, and the format I prefer, which is also appreciated.


To those who send me corrections: I will gladly take your corrections and incorporate them back into the stories, and I will be grateful for the help but....

One email per story, please, not one email per error!!

I can't deal with fifteen emails, or thirty, or more, per person for a single story, not when everyone else is also sending in corrections for those same errors. I have, at times, ended up with five or six emails for a single error.

Considering how horrible I am at editing my own, it can be an electronic blizzard of email.

Thanks again for the support and the feedback!

New review on the new story!

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Read it HERE!

bill9900 wrote a very nice review of the latest Hero League, Inc. Universe story, He Said, She Said, and it is much appreciated!

I am still trying to find my niche, assuming I have one, and I like to try new things. The new story was... different, so I wasn't sure how it would be received. Give it a read, and don't hesitate to let me know what you think.

The last of the pre-written Hero League Inc. stories is queued

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It will post tomorrow morning.

It is the shortest of the three small stories, but only by a bit. There are more stories in the pipeline, but not complete yet.

I may take a break to work on some other projects, but I like this Universe and will be back with more.



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