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Redsliver: Blog


Janet the White's Judgment

Posted at

Thanks to all the people who commented, messaged me, rated, and/or read Janet the White. I still would love more data, if you have something to say, I'm listening. But right now, after the story has been up for a day, I'd like to share what I've learned.

There seems to be as many "Too confusing" as there is "I like it!" but I think a confusing narrative selects out a large number of readers who would abandon reading rather than force through the confusion to comment. Rank voting has been all over the place. 9 and 10 out of 10's, a bunch in the 5 to 8 range, a 3, a 2, and even a 1/10. I had never seen a "You call this a story!" rating vote before.

I've been given good advice, friendly barbs, and maybe one calling out. Perhaps I could color code the banter, present it like a script with their names at the start of each line. Maybe I could start with the prose and let the reader run into a wall rather than be tossed off a cliff on the first sentence.

The truth is, I don't know if handling the confusion is the right way to go. The positive comments are great. There does seem to, from one or two commenters, a sense of self esteem from being able to get the gimmick. I really like that.

I love the gimmick of breaking up the narrative with banter between the hero team as they recall their origin stories. It allows me to set rails, foreshadow, plan out, and define each and every character, keeping everyone in mind so they don't wither in the dark or horribly mutate as I go forward writing.

Thank you all! Feel free to keep throwing everything at me. This experiment has been truly helpful.

Janet the White

Posted at

I just posted a new story that is intended to be part of an episodic series. Patrons have access to the next two installments. I was recently alerted that some people find the story hard to read. So please, if you have any criticisms or faults to find, I'd love to hear from you.

Magic is Gross 2 - Finale

Posted at

Holy shit! I've got another finished story posted! I'll take the next few months to focus on No Idea and Monkey Wrench but I've got such a rush I want to jump right into Magic is Gross 3: Games

Kristi, Shannon, and ten other girls are set loose naked in the woods. Hunted by schoolboys. Whoever captures, tames, and fucks the most girls gets Quinn's demon's blessing.

I love this series, but it gets considerably less views than Monkey Wrench and No Idea. If there's interest, I'm certainly interested in supplying more.

Almost Finished! Magic is Gross 2.

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Rather than waiting for three weeks for the finale of Magic is Gross 2, I'm excited to be posting it next Friday. (Doing it's final edits now.) It is always so good to get to the end of a story. I'll be posting a blog post next weekend as well. I've always planned MiG as a sort of ongoing there's monsters in my high school (Buffy the Vampire slayer) type series. I'd love to know what's been going wrong up to this point.

Anyway, read the chapter, enjoy the finale! I have a blast writing and shaping this series and I hope to share that.

Magic is Gross 2: Devil

Posted at

The next chapter of Devil is posted and I can taste the end of this adventure. I'm excited and looking forward to writing the last word! MiG has always done a little worse than Blue Ribbon or Monkey Wrench but honestly, it's my favorite current project.

If you like it, maybe you can chime in on thinking of a better way to market it. Maybe I miscoded it, is magical gender swapping the transgender tag? That could be turning people off. It's supposed to be a monsters in my high school kind of world centered around magic potions and three oversexualized teens who're are trying to face those monsters.

Anyway, read it, enjoy it. I'm just always looking for feedback!



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