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Kitty's Cookies will finish uploading this week. The last chapter is scheduled to post on Friday.
Life was more than a little messy in 2023 and I definitely didn't communicate that well enough with any readers on this site.
Sorry. I fucked up.
I've got another story coming, but I'm going to play catch up with other responsibilities first. So if I'm gone for a month or three, that's why.
Thanks to everyone who pointed out I clicked on the wrong text file when I uploaded chapter 5. I have the proper chapter replacement queued up, should go live by tomorrow morning.
I guess when I was setting up the story to post, I forgot comments are opt in. Fixed it now, if you got something to say, you can now tell me how pretty I am.
Kitty's Cookies
Hi, thanks for everyone who told me chapter 18 was a repeat this week. I fixed the mistake and reupped the CORRECT CHAPTER 17. I apologize for not noticing the mistake I made LAST FRIDAY.
The story should be intact shortly, if not already.
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