PT Brainum: Blog


funniest thing i heard

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I heard the funniest thing the other day:

"However much people hate Trump, they should at least give him credit for being the first blonde president"

favorite books

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I've added a number of my favorite stories from sol to my author page. These are stories that i tend to enjoy so much that i reread then regularly. So if you like what i like, or like what i write, then i thought i might suggest the following books and series.
These are in no particular order, and from off the Top of my Head

1632 by Eric Flint
Jumper by Steven Gould
Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson (it's a Trilogy)
Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Princess Bride by William Goldman (it's actually funnier than the movie!)
Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold (I wish they would turn this into a tv series, seriously if you have not read this go do so now, start with Warriors Apprentice)
Enders Game by Orson Scott Card
The Adventures of Conrad stargard by Leo Frankowski
The Door Into Summer by Robert Heinlein
The Martian by Andy Weir
Pegasus Trilogy & sequel Tower and Hive series by Anne McCaffrey

What's your favorite SciFi or fiction? If you need help locating any of these let me know!

Time To Protect Earth

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I'm reposting this old story. It's supposed to be the far future, but was written in 2002. I really didn't remember much of the story. It has sex scenes, wish i think hold up pretty good. Surprising when i realize i was still a virgin when i wrote them.
It should be up later today.

I'm back baby!

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So I'm back. Couldn't stay away. Thanks to some help I was able to recover micro gates after I personally had lost all my own copies. Send me a note if you enjoyed it.



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