PT Brainum: Blog


thank you for your help!

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It's pretty amazing I posted a request for help and got more messages than I've ever gotten from a story. I've deleted that blog post, so i don't keep getting answers.
The question was, when submitting .txt file how do you preserve italics. The answer is:
_*bold italics*_
And this information was in the authors section the whole time, i just couldn't find it at midnight last night, too tired i guess.
With that solved, part 2 of John the genius will soon be posted.

holy hell i finished part 2 of John the Genius

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I started writing part 2 of John the Genius on December 25th. On December 27th, 3 days later i finished the first draft. 20k words. I don't think I've ever written that fast. The muse did ride me like a loa.
I really like it. It's funny, touching, heartbreaking, encouraging, and other superlatives.

When will you get to read it?
I'm going to go through it and edit it for clarity.
Then I'm going to go bug hunting
I know where my most common problems lie. Have/gave while/white its/it's your/you're and other words that autocorrect and swipe on my gboard get wrong. The clarity hunt gets the big ones. Once that's done I'll post. Then I'll wait for your keen eyes to spot more

I'm not making promises, but damn in excited!
Oh and there will be a part 3, I just have to come at it from a new direction, and no telling when I'll start that.

perfect choices reposted

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Thanks to eagle eye readers I've been able to eliminate many bugs in Perfect Choices. If you see more please let me know. Only minor changes to perfect choices have been made. I'm also happy to announce that the yet untitled sequel is halfway complete! It is my intention to post perfect choices at finestories and scifistories now that a second edit has been performed. The sequel will be posted here first.

request for help on story background

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If you went to University of Tulsa in the 1980s please message me, I have some questions about student Life, the student union and Bayless Hall. I'm working on a story and want to be sure my details are right.


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Today I posted a new story. This has been in work since 2012. Much research, much plotting, much work. Then I lost most of it and started over.
It explores what Omniscience means, and how it could be used. This first section is more of an introductory short story. Each section as it is finished will be posted as a stand alone piece, so while this one is complete, the story is far from over. I have plots and details running through 2010 and beyond, but that's a lot of story.
This was written on my Android tablet. I use a swipe keyboard. Some words don't come out right but I try to catch them in editing. If you see something let me know please.



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