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ProfessorC: Blog


Latest chapter of teen Dreams

Posted at

Chapter 9 of Teen Dreams book 3 is now in the posting queue. Just a reminder that the complete version is still available on Bookapy and Book 4 is being serialised on my Patreon.

200+ sales on Bookapy.

Posted at

I'm amazed that I have now sold more than 200 copies of my works (in total, not each) on Bookapy. Thank you to all those of you who have bought.

Corrected version of That was no lady now on Bookapy.

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The title says it all really.

An apology.

Posted at

Sorry folks, I posted the wrong version of the story to Bookapy. As soon as it appears I'll replace the files with the correct ones and let you know that it's done. For the curious amongst you, I posted the versions with plain covers from Patreon rather than the illustrated cover that appears on the Bookapy homepage.

A new story on Bookapy.

Posted at

That was no lady, a short story has been uploaded to Bookapy at 99 cents. it is also available to patreon patrons (minus the cover.)



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