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ProfessorC: Blog


Teen Dreams update.

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Book 2 of teen Dreams has now been submitted to Bookapy for publication. Book 3 will start publishing on SOL in weekly parts in the next few weeks. At the same time it will be published in its entirety on Bookapy ( Book four is under way and should appear sometime early next year.

Keep safe everybody.

I have finally succumbed.

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The first of my books (Teen Dreams Book 1), newly revised and with errors corrected (hopefully all of them) is now available on Bookapy.

Here's some (hopefully) good news.

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I am currently putting the finishing touches to the final chapter of book three of Teen Dreams (although to be hosest I said that to my Patreon patrons last week about chapter 39, but that ran away with me and it has now stretched to forty chapters) However I think this one will be it, and, as soon as it is back from editing and I've had a second run through of the whole thing, I'll begin posting it to here.

Stay safe.

A little light relief

Posted at

Greetings, I hope you are all well. With the death of a dear friend last weekend my personal Corona death toll rises to four (that's people I've lost not people I've killed) I hope it goes no further than that. I'm still working on Book 3 of TD and one or two other thinga, as well as familiarising myself with some new software which will, if not improve the quality of the way I write them, improve the quality of the stories themselves.
As a little light relief here's a link my wife sent me this morning which tickled both my funny muscle and my love of opera.

The only pity is he didn't quite make the high C at the end.
Stay well, stay safe and as the late great Dave Allen used to say at the end of every show, may your god go with you (if you have one) if not then may you live in peace.

The current situation.

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I suppose I'm lucky, having been retired for the past twelve years or so, the present lockdown isn't having much of a negative effect on my life (there isn't even a toilet paper shortage around here), there is however, a positive effect, Mrs C can't ask me to go out shopping with her every day. On the plus side, so far this week I've seen a streamed HD performance of an opera from the New York Met every day. I have Tannhauser tomorrow and then they go back to non-German opera. Not being a great believer in GB Shaw's famous comment about not being able to watch any opera in a language I understand I tend, with a few exceptions to stick to English and german, which I do know. Th eother great advantage is that I have more writing time than usual and as well as continuing work on Book 3 of Teen Dreams, the detailed planning of Book 4 and the ourline planning of further books in the series, I'm sketching out a number of new things, and putting more substance into one or two other ongoing works. For those of you who don't have the patience to wait. Book three is already being published on Patreon ( and the other either already have started on there or will be starting soon.
Stay home, stay safe and stay healthy. Look after yourselves and your loved ones and I'll see you all on the other side of these strange times.



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