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ProfessorC: Blog


Chapter 2 of Teen dreams book 3.....

Posted at Updated:

Is in the queue. Enjoy. Don't forget I have both a discord sever if you'd like to discuss my work (or anything else for that matter) and a Patreon account if you'd prefer to have earlier access. And the full book is also available for sale at Bookapy. If you go to Bookapy, please search on teen Dreams, not professorC.

You asked for it....

Posted at

so don't blame me. Chapter 1 of book 3 of Teen Dreams is in the queue.

Teen Dreams Book 3.

Posted at Updated:

Folks, for reasons that I'm not going to go into in public, it is starting to look like Teen Dreams 3 may not be appearing on SOL. It grieves me to have to say that, and it is not a decision that I either take lightly, or want to make but things are happening which will make it impossible for me to continue to release my works on SOl. I hope that they don't come about, but it's not in my hands.

Teen Dreams on Bookapy.

Posted at

Book 3 of Teen Dreams has been submitted to Bookapy and should be available for purchase later today (along with Books 1 and 2). The book will be serialised to SOL starting later this week.


Posted at

Books one and two of Teen Dreams are available on Bookapy. Book 3 will appear on Bookapy in Early September and will, simultaneouslystart to appear here on SOL. At the same time, Book four will start to be available to my patrons.



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