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P. Tango: Blog


I found a great BDSM/Slavery author

Posted at

She's Kara Fleek

I recommend her to anybody who is into extreme slavery.

BTW, as soon as I finish my degree thesis in May will resume work on my incomplete stories.

Take care.

Discovery updated

Posted at

I've updated the three chapters, mostly fixing grammar issues -I'm not a native English-speaker, as you can surmise- and added a few lines to close plot holes. Chapter 4 will arrive at the end of the month or so.


About Discovery Chapter 3

Posted at

I've taken into account several comments and in a few days I will repost a revised, improved version of the three chapters. I also want to thank Sarkasmus for his invaluable help and suggestions.

Discovery Chapter 3 posted

Posted at Updated:

First of all, sorry by the long hiatus. It has been a hard year and real life had to take priority over fantasy.

Chapter 3 is longer than the previous ones and will try to post regularly.

BTW, thanks everybody for your comments, specially the "what reader knows/what character knows" bit. That's something I hadn't thought about and will try to correct it in the next chapter.

Also, I've started another multi-chapter story. Will upload the first chapter soon.

Chapter 2 of Discovery posted.

Posted at

Hope you like it.



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