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odco: Blog


Status report

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I'd like everyone to know that I am working on the sequel to Sue and Jay's week in The Program. Anyone who has ever written knows that it takes time to finish. I had posed a question to my readers on how I should handle this -- finish it first and post it all at once, or at least like last time: a chapter a day. Or to post chapters as I finish them.

I am firmly in the first camp. There are a few reasons but the biggest is that a story changes as it's written. Sometimes you need to go back to the early chapters to accommodate the change. If the chapter has already been published then you can't do that.

Now, there is a way to update chapters here after they've been published but there are problems with that too. If you look and know what to look for you'll see that I have updated a few chapters of Sue and Jay NiS. But I hate doing that.

Now since I've heard from a few of you, what I'm hearing is that there is no clear consensus. Some want me to publish a chapter at a time before I finish the whole thing, others no. But the vote is skewed a bit for publishing early.

So, here is what I'm thinking. I want to get a few chapters, say five or six, complete and relatively unchanged, and then I'll publish one of them. So, I'll get to chapter five, say, and publish chapter one. Then when I finish chapter six, I'll publish chapter two. I'm not sure how well this will work so I reserve the right to amend this decision.

BTW, I'm still working on shoring up chapter three so I still have a ways to go. I have six written but the last four are very, very rough drafts and the majority of work on them is just beginning.

I must remind you that the schedule will not be very periodic. There may be a week or two between chapters, or a month or two, or maybe even more. I hate it when an author does that, so I'll do my best to keep on schedule but I can't promise anything.

So what do you all think? You can post in the comments to the story or message me directly. I love hearing from my readers.

And thank you to all that have already responded.



The future

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I've heard from a lot of my readers and they were all a bit miffed that Susan and Jason just suddenly stopped. I won't make excuses but it was different before -- so I changed it and it changes the future of this story. Lots of people want to see where this eventually goes.

Since I write other things and since I had been working on this for so long I decided to concentrate on other stories. I don't think people liked hearing that. I agree, I shouldn't have left things hanging the way I did. I must make atone for my sins and therefore I'm making this announcement.

Yes, there is more and I will put aside other things I'm working on in my spare time and concentrate on finishing up Jay and Sue's saga. It's not a day to day like the last (NiS) story. It's several chapters but they take place over a couple of years. There's some new characters, but not many. Most of the old ones are still around.

I wish SOL had a poll feature. Maybe they do and if I find it I'll use it. But here is my question: would you like me to wait until the story is done before posting, or should I post a chapter or two at a time with the caveat that it may be a week or two or even longer between chapters?

In any case, I can't predict how long it will take, but I think I can have something in good enough shape to go before the coronavirus fiasco is over. Oh, is that too long? Okay, I'll try to get it done before the end of summer 2020.

I love the feedback from my readers and I hear you. I wanted to write this up last night but my internet connection broke. Thank you Comcast.

Thanks again everyone and go ahead and drop me mail or comment on the story if you feel like it. I'll be here and I'll be writing.


My first NiS story done

Posted at

Well, that concludes my first NiS story, Susan and Jason Naked In School. It took me a year, give or take, to write it. There is more to the story and I've from many of you that you would like to see more. I can't let my readers down now, can I? I will be working on several follow-ups to this. Just don't expect them RSN (real soon now).

I liked writing this and I loved hearing from those who contacted me either through the comments or directly. I'm rather surprised at the number of votes and downloads but that's likely due to the length of the story.

I've posted other stories on other sites so this is not my first foray into fiction writing. It is my first NiS story and my first at SOL though. Learning all about SOL took some time too. I messed up when posting the first chapters but the staff helped. I'm very grateful. Thank you.

I've been reading NiS stories for years. I read the first Karen story long ago before there were any other NiS stories. I always wanted to do this. Unfortunately, the asstr site seems to be dying and on its last breath. It's a shame. I'm not dissing SOL, but its always sad when a grand site like asstr goes under. They just couldn't keep up with the times.

I do have stories in the works and you'll probably see more from me in the future here on SOL. So for all my readers, thank you and stay safe. Here's to hoping the current crazy pandemic situation eases for everyone soon.



Moving along and some feedback

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I always like hearing feedback from readers. I've had quite a bit of email and some comments on my first story here, "Susan and Jason Naked In School".

First of all, this story is fiction and so is the name of the high school: James Lovell High School. AFAIK, no such school exists. I googled it and of course google knows everything. I did really name it after the famous astronaut. Look him up if you don't know who Captain Lovell is.

It seems some are put off by the length of the chapters. I've posted stories to other sites and feedback from there was "not long enough". You can't satisfy all of the people all the time.

Another person has contacted me about some typos. Sorry, I'm not perfect but I don't think I've ever read a story without typos or some grammar faux pas. I think I'm actually better than most in this regard, but you can disagree if you want.

There were those who thought I was not staying true to the NiS genre because of details like everyone on a team has to play nude. I don't recall this being a requirement although in some of the NiS stories I've read the whole team did go nude. But it doesn't seem to be mandatory.

In any case, I did read the writer's guide here, I'm pretty sure I'm staying true to the genre. Maybe some others should read it too.

I've had some suggestions, one of which I'm seriously considering: writing Emily's NiS story. There are more but I'm still mulling this over.

And then there's this: "Go to utube & type in: AGT Alan Silva. Watch the audition video that is 5:35 long. About the 4:44 mark is a good picture of him and his wife and kids. That image made me think of Jay and Susan. I did that and started learning about Alan Silva. It's a cool story so if anyone else wants to check him out, it may be worth your time.

I appreciate all feedback, even if it's negative. So thanks to all those who've left comments or have emailed me.



Busy busy busy

Posted at

I didn't get the latest chapter up on time like I said I would. For those anxiously awaiting it, I'm sorry.

I was real busy yesterday. The good new is I get to work from home during the covid-19 crisis. The bad new is I work from home. We had a lot going on this week and we all fell behind a little. I had to catch up so the story was neglected.

However, fear not. This shouldn't happen too often so it's back on schedule now.



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