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odco: Blog


Some good news

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It's 2021! That's good news right there, isn't it? Hopefully everyone will get the vaccine and we can end this covid fiasco.

But I have some more good news: the next Naked in School story I have for you is almost ready to publish. It's written but is still undergoing revision. And I have some even more exciting news for all of my readers: I have an editor who is helping me. He goes by GwB13 here and has published a couple or so stories here on SoL (look for Guillaume W Bourgogne).

He and I are just starting on this endeavor together and I'm looking forward to a fun and fruitful collaboration. What this means for the readers is a better story, not just less typos.

You'll find out more about the story soon, I don't want to give it away too much just yet, but it revolves around a character from my first NiS story, Susan and Jason. Yes, you do learn more about this couple in this new story, but it is not about them, per se. However, if you read Susan and Jason then you will be familiar with these characters and look for Sue and Jay to make an appearance or two, or even more.

So, here's to 2021!



I am so looking forward to the new year.

Posted at

It's New Year's day as I write this and I'm sure that everyone reading this agrees that 2020 sucked. It wasn't the worst year I've ever had, but it was probably one of the worst years in recent history for the country and the world. So, here's to 2021!

I'm sure 2021 is going to be great compared to this past one. There's a vaccine going around. Shops can open. People can start eating out. And we can all gather with friends once again. I can't wait.

Things are going pretty good now with the follow-on stories to Sue and Jay NiS. I have two of them and I'm writing them together. It's easier this way because they need to be tracked together as they take place at the same time and with the same, mostly, people.

For a while I was in a rut with one of them but it's coming along really good now. I have the beginning and middle done (not really) for both. Beginnings and endings are easy for me and they just sort of flow right out so I'm not worried about the endings for either of the stories. It's the middles that get me. I've rewritten and rewritten the middle chapters of both stories, albeit one of them more so than the other.

I'm toying with publishing the beginnings soon for one story. I'll only do this once I've got the endings going. I'm also going to have an editor lined up first so I can run it by someone else before publishing.

I hope you're excited as I am about the new stories and especially about the coming year.

Take care, everyone. Stay safe. Get inoculated then go out there and have fun.

Happy 2020 (yeah right)

Posted at Updated:

As 2020 is drawing to a close I have to say: what a year! I'm luckier than most -- I still have a job and I work from home. It seems I'm spending more time with work than I ever was, which leaves little time for other things. And there is another thing going on. Without being specific, I have health problems.

I expect the problems to resolve soon, like by next spring time. However, I still count myself as lucky. My problems are not the virus and I have fared much better than others through the whole covid-19 fiasco.

I'm asking for patience from my readers as I am working on two stories. One is a follow-on to Sue and Jason, NiS. I'm at a bit of block on this right now because it's not as straightforward as writing about a week in the lives of these two. But when I do hit a block I shift to the second story I'm writing which is still in the NiS universe. I don't want to say too much but it's about Emily.

I hope you love these two stories when they're published, but I'm very sorry to say that it won't happen this year. Look for them in 2021. I'm looking forward to almost everything 2021 and I want everyone to have hope for next year whether it is for themselves, their neighbors or the whole world.

Cheers, Everyone. We will make it through these tough times and come out better.

I'm still here

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For those that may be wondering, I haven't fallen off the edge of the earth. I am writing, including a sequel to Susan and Jason, NiS.

The problem is, it's not going very smoothly. I've changed direction a few times but I have settled on where this is going. It should be a surprise for most of you and when it is done I hope everyone likes it.

In the meantime, I re-wrote and replaced the last chapter of Sue and Jay, so check it out. It does set up the sequel.

Also, since the sequel is not coming along as smoothly as I planned, I am writing about Emily. This is much easier to write but it still takes time and I just don't have enough of that.

One last thing: health issues have come up. I'll be vague about this, only to say that it will take some of my writing time away.

So, please be patient with me. I haven't forgotten about the readers here at SOL. I will get more posted eventually. And once again: thanks for reading.


Quick update

Posted at

Yes, I am writing the sequel to Susan and Jason: Naked in School. It seems that nobody wants to wait; I understand that. However, it's problematic to make changes to published chapters and that puts constraints on the later chapters that aren't written yet. Otherwise, there would be seven chapters up now.

With this all said, I will start publishing chapters soon but instead of one a day it will more likely be one a month, or a week if we're lucky. Stay tuned.



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