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odco: Blog


Some time away

Posted at Updated:

Sorry, folks. I was sent away for work last week and didn't have time to post the last chapter of the Emily and Logan, NiS story. However, I will be posting it up soon.

This one has a little something in the end for those who read my other story about Sue and Jay, NiS. I hope it doesn't bother those who didn't read it.

So this is the last chapter, although I do have another one about the party on Saturday for Emily and a parting word from Logan. If you want me to post this one up then put up a comment. If I don't hear anything then I won't post it.

I sincerely hope everyone enjoyed this story. Apparently, from the feedback I got, not as much as Sue and Jay. Maybe the last chapter will bring the scores up a bit.

I am thankful to everyone who read this, and especially for those that left feedback, whether in mail or in a comment.



Another quick note

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I was a little late getting the last chapter up -- chapter 8 of Emily and Logan. I apologize for that. I have a new position at work and it's more responsibility. In addition to the normal technical work I do, I now do more admin stuff. More meetings too. I have to take a nap after work, then get up later to eat, then right back to bed for the night. Doesn't leave much time to post stories.

I hope you like the last chapter but it will make much more sense for those who read the previous story -- Susan and Jason, NiS. I hope it still works for others though.

Go ahead and leave comment on the story. I'd love to hear from you all.



Emily and Logan

Posted at

I have half of Emily and Logan, NiS published now. I hope everyone likes it. So far it doesn't have the scores of the last one but I'm hoping people will start giving it higher ratings soon. We shall see.

This was one of those stories that sort of wrote itself. If you've been following what I'm doing you know that I'm trying to follow up on Sue and Jay. That one is not coming along well at all for some reason. I'm not sure I'll ever get it to where I want but in the meantime I wrote the one I'm pushing up to the site now: Emily and Logan. Parts of Sue and Jay's continuing saga appear here.

I suppose to get the most out of the current story one should read Sue and Jay first and I apologize for that if you're coming to this later. But maybe it would be worth reading Sue and Jay if you haven't.

Some have pointed out some discrepancies in my stories with the whole NiS universe thing, specifically, the use of putting someone in The Program for punishment. I'm pretty sure I recall long ago that the same thing has been used before. I agree, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but the whole universe is fantasy anyway. I try to make this as realistic as I can but seriously, does anyone ever believe that society could get to this point? It's make believe and I think I can take a few liberties here and there. If you'll permit me this and overlook the absurdity of the whole Naked in School universe then I think you'll enjoy the story.

There are more things coming for Emily and Logan so stay tuned. I sincerely hope everyone has been enjoying the story so far. However, it's hard to know without feedback so I'm asking for anyone that has an opinion to hit the comment button and leave a message for everyone to see or use the Feedback to Author button to send me private messages.



The NiS story is being put up

Posted at

I have three chapters up now for Emily and Logan, NiS. I'll be putting up more every couple days or so. This story takes place the next week after Susan and Jason. Sue and Jay do make appearances in this story but it's not the sequel. I am still working on that and I have no idea when I'll finish.

I hope everyone likes it and remember: comments are very nice, so go ahead and click that "Feedback to author" button and say something. It's the only thing I get out of this besides just writing it. Thanks, everyone.




Posted at Updated:

The reviewing process is not going as I had planned. You have to remember that it takes a lot of time and effort to write and it also takes time and effort for someone to review what you've written. None of this is paid, it is all given freely to you. I cannot ask someone else to edit my stories for me without at least giving them the time to do it but this time it is taking a little too long for me. I had hoped to have been finished with the process and at least to have put a up few chapters by now.

Look for the first chapter of a new NiS story to be put up here in the next couple of days.

Thanks to all of you,




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