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NymphWriter: Blog



Posted at

First off... I'd like to say thank you to anyone who took the time to write to me & give me feedback on my stories. Many of you have be so nice and even pointed out my silly errors without trying to attack me. I have tried to reply to everyone who has taken their time to write to me. If you didn't get a reply... either you didn't give my your e-mail... or something went terribly wrong (as in the case with one person who's message went to my junk folder by mistake.)

That being said... I am a human being... not a bot.

If you take the time to give me feedback, please remember... I have feelings. These stories are my babies. If you don't like my stories... don't read them. Just know that if you nit-pick... I will get defensive. Not everything I've read on this site or others I have liked. And that's okay. But I sure as hell don't "nit-pick".

Again... to those of you who have caught my "silly spelling errors" and were nice enought to bring them to my attention... I thank you.

Parent-Teacher Conference

Posted at

Dear Readers,

First off... I wish to thank all of you who have read my story about the young teacher and her encounter with the mysterious gentleman.

I wish to acknowledge that I have heard your requests and I am currently in the process of bringing you "the rest of the story." I am currently proofreading the piece and I will be sending it to an editor to be reviewed, and fixed. Once have it back, I will be posting the rest of the story, chapter by chapter. I will warn... the rest of the story got a bit long... and I was SHOCKED how it went... but it's a good shocked. I hope you all feel the same way.

Please keep reading, commenting, and sending me feedback.



Thanksgiving Study Session

Posted at

First off... thank you all for reading. I have been made aware of the error at the end of the story but I'm new & I'm not sure how to fix it... but I shall once I figure out how. I'll post more soon... now that I understand how.



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