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Novus Animus: Blog


New release schedule

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Followers will now find that I'm releasing a chapter every 10 days instead of every 21, as I'm now writing full time.

Exciting things ahead!

Curious Mermaid, last entry in An Inhuman Love for a while

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Since I decided to focus on Medusa (and when it's done, My Little Ventrue), that means that The Curious Mermaid is my last entry for An Inhuman Love. It wasn't fair to patrons to ask them to support a side series as well as a main series.

In the future, if/when I can start writing full time, I'll try and write some AIL stories in my free time though! But until then, I'm writing 100% Medusa, and when it's done, moving back to MLV to increase the size of that series DRAMATICALLY.

Medusa: Fate's Game - wtf where's the sex?

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Submitted the first chapter without a real sex scene. Scary moment! We all love sex, and to submit a chapter that's pure action, story, and character development without any arousing scenes means the story has to stand on those elements alone.

No boobs! No shwingshwongs or vagingoes. Moments like these tell me whether people genuinely like the story, or if they only read what I write for the sex scenes (and my habit of making them really long.)

My Little Ventrue

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Wow, MLV is doing well in the scores! I love that people enjoyed this story so much. It's pretty damn scary putting together a big story like this, with characters I crafted from the nether, with my own personal sexual quirks in mind.

I hope I can write some sequel stuff for MLV in the future. Assuming my projects go well, I'm going to finish Medusa, and then I'll be moving onto more MLV!

Hello, A New Arrival.

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Hey, I'm pretty new to SOL, but I'm liking it so far.

I've started posting all my stories here, so you'll see a flood of 'My Little Ventrue,' which is finished but taking a little while to get all the chapters onto the site. I'll also post chapters of 'Medusa: Fate's Game' as I finish them.

'An Inhuman Love' is a series of random nonhuman/human romance stories that I write between chapters of Medusa. Cause sometimes, you just wanna write a simple little 16k-word love story about a centaur and a woman, or a man and a mermaid.



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