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Novus Animus: Blog


My Little Ventrue Pt.3 Ch.5 (Ch.28)

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Yeah... I'm going to have to release the new version of my character spreadsheet soon, to make it easier for T2+ readers to keep track of all the characters.

The previous chapter, 27, included MLV Vote #10 (Natasha scene vote).

Minor spoilers:

This chapter was actually supposed to include MLV Vote #11, but I decided to not insert the scene here. Felt very forced. I'll include the scene eventually, when I feel I can insert it without sacrificing the story.

My Little Ventrue Pt.3 Ch.4 (Ch.27)

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Minor Spoilers:

Things get complicated!

Some character development. Now that I'm writing MLV full time, I can spend some chapters building up these characters. I found the first two parts kinda skipped some development, and even core characters like Jack had important angles glossed over.

Also, in the future I will be doing a post-mention of which chapters included a voted scene, so as to avoid any major spoilering. For example, if Ch. 26 included a voted scene, I'd mention which vote here, in Ch. 27 release.

My Little Ventrue Ch. 26

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Minor Spoilers

This was a bit of a weird chapter, a middle-paced chapter needed to introduce various motivations and upcoming plot angles. I didn't plan for the sex scenes to be anymore than a couple sentences, but of course that didn't turn out as planned. Can't help but take the time to indulge, especially with Jack and Antoinette.

But now that certain plots angles are moving forward, I can peel them like delicious onions. Or flowers. Whatever.

I can also start some more interesting discussions about who to write about on Patreon, with the introduction of a new character.


My Little Ventrue is back!

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I'm back! Back to My Little Ventrue. Glad to be writing about Jack Terry once more, and exploring many different corners of the city Dolareido.

(minor spoilers for ch. 24 below)

I opened with a light-hearted chapter 24, since 22-23 ended with so much violence. But rest assured, My Little Ventrue will return to its darker nature as the story progresses. And don't worry, there will be more one-on-one romance scenes with Jack and Antoinette, but I felt like having some fun with the ghouls, before the machinations of the Danse Macabre kick in.

Medusa done! Sort of

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Medusa Chapter 16 is out! Ugh, long chapter, 38k words. It's sort of the final chapter, but not, because there is a chapter 17 coming. This one's short, only 14.5k words, and it's entirely a sex chapter. So feel free to skip it if you're more interested in the story than sex.

Once Medusa Chapter 17 is uploaded, I'm moving onto My Little Ventrue again. My Patrons and I are pretty excited to continue the story of Jack the little vampire again, for many chapters to come.



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