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Novus Animus: Blog


My Little Ventrue Pt.4 Ch.3 (Ch.41)

Posted at Updated:

Gonna try and keep this blog up to date. Hit me if I'm not.

Don't read the following if you haven't read Ch. 41 (it'll be up soon).


I swear I'm trying to make the sex scenes shorter! My fingers won't let me.

For those who wanted to see more of the occult and horror elements, I'll be delving deeper into that world soon. I felt Beatrice deserved some love before I started mixing in more Lovecraft and Gothic horror (because otherworldly entities devouring your flesh and your essence is decidedly unsexy!)

My Little Ventrue - Status Update

Posted at Updated:

Woo, I don't update this blog enough.

MLV continues to grow, and so does my Patreon! Super excited.

I've submitted my first bonus chapter here as well, Ashley and Julee. Fun reading, nothing serious.

My Little Ventrue - Status Update

Posted at

Chapter 33 now on my Patreon, and I'll be posing it here once Chapter 34 is finished.

There's a bonus chapter being written, voted for by patrons. It's about Ashley and Julee, and is mostly a fun, silly sex chapter. I expect that to be done sometime in February, without affecting my normal MLV schedule. It'll also go to Patreon for a little while, and then be posted here.

My Little Ventrue Pt.3 Ch.7 (Ch.30)

Posted at

Story angles making themselves known. Like lining up fire crackers into dangerous positions.

Minor spoilers below:

Patrons voted on how the sex scene would go this chapter. They decided Antoinette should spend most of the scene pleasuring Jack, instead of vice versa.

My Little Ventrue Pt.3 Ch.6 (Ch.29)

Posted at Updated:

Minor Spoilers for Ch. 29:

For those following the story, you'll notice this chapter sort of explodes the amount of setting content I can work with. White Wolf's Chronicles of Darkness has a lot of angles I can use, and while Dolareido is my creation, I try and respect the source material.

That said, MLV is still a story about vampires, and Jack in particular. Fret not, this isn't going to become a giant orgy about every supernatural creature jumping in and having their say.



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