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Mina_x: Blog


Harriet's New Year

Posted at

I've just posted the latest story in the Harriet of Manor Close series which brings Harriet up to date in 2025.

It's a conversation between mother and daughter and does not include any sex. My last sidestep into Hannah's story also featured no sex, and I admit it wasn't very popular judging by the ratings, but I wanted it to still be true to Harriet's scenario.

It should be up soon, and I hope those of you who are following Harriet's story enjoy it.

Happy New Year!


Harriet's Christmas

Posted at

You can catch up with Harriet, and her Christmas preparations in the new story Black Christmas.

As usual she faces some unexpected challenges.

Merry Christmas


Sorry I've not added anything new

Posted at

Sorry, but Christmas preparations have gotten in the way of me writing more stories for Harriet, and I feel like I have lost the roll I was on.

I did have a couple of more ideas for her, but as my last story had her and her husband a bit closer together sexually, I don't know whether to stop it there.


Harriet - Story so far and the future

Posted at

I've been told that my story description is no longer accurate from when I first started my story a while back. I really need to give a better overview, so I thought I would put the story so far and ask for input.


Takes place over two weeks in April. Harriet is the model housewife, 38 with two school age children and a successful husband. She is seduced by a younger black guy on the street who makes her part of an online interracial sex site. Harriet is both shocked but sexually awakened by this. She becomes a willing partner and addicted to the secrecy and excitement of it all, before crashing to the ground and falling pregnant.


August. Four months later Harriet has had a termination and Witness has moved away, but she still has the overwhelming desire for sex with others. She visits a dogging spot where she meets a couple and strikes up a friendship with the woman Angela.


September. A sidestep into the thoughts of Harriet's teenage daughter and the impact that Harriet's obsession is having.


September. Harriet visits Angela and discovers her very open sexual lifestyle. She is introduced to a swinging website.


October. Harriet visits a young woman from the swinging website and has an unusual experience that leads her to frustration and a small emotional breakdown.


October. It's Harriet's 39th birthday and her plans are disrupted by a surprise from her husband. She persuades him into indulging in outdoor sex, against his judgement, but leads to a positive outcome bringing them closer. But Harriet is still hungry for more.


I have some ideas, but am always grateful for feedback and comments. How best can I describe the series as a whole?

Little Problems

Posted at

I don't think it was the small reference to beastiality that was the issue for some with my last Harriet story. I think that her having sex with her husband was a bigger issue! Where will she go next I wonder.

My punctuation style (which is how I was taught at school) has also been raised a number of times. I'll see if I can adapt to expectations.



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