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Llwyd L. Brenin: Blog


Wessier cursed

Posted at

I finally finished this story. chapter sixteen is posted. read it and let me know what you think.

Chapter fifteen

Posted at

I finally completed chapter fifteen from The Wessier - Cursed. read and enjoy.


Posted at

Sorry, it took so long to get this chapter out. I've been through a lot this past year, including losing my job and a finger.

Breaking news

Posted at

I entered this story in the contest. Obviously, I didn't win but it didn't do bad. I noticed that most of the people who read it didn't rate it, but that's okay. Now it's available for everyone to read. Read it and let me know what you think. Rate and leave a comment so I know.

The Wessier - Cursed

Posted at

I apologize for not having another chapter ready. I've been dealing with some issues in life, but hope to get back on track soon. I would like to thank everyone for their patients.



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