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Kris Me: Blog


Yes I'm OK - sorta...

Posted at 9/6/2024, 11:02:23 PM

One of my readers asked if I was OK. The answer id sort of.

I had a run-in with a 200litre hotwater system tank and it tried to decapitate my left pinky finger on Wednesday. The outer shell was loose and my finger slipped into a hole that was around the outlet tap. Because the shell slipped as I wrestled with the tank to drag it outside, my finger got jammed and sliced up.

They couldn't fix it at my hospital and I had to drive 110km to anther hospital in the next city the next day to get the surgery required to fix my finger tip and the damaged fingernail.

I now remember why I hate being a domestic Electrician and doing free-bees for family. I hope to have my parents property on the market soon so I cam back to my own home.

It has been a long 12 months since my dad's death, but I'm still battling alone. Even did a bit of writing the other day. Unfortunately nothing printable at present. Inspiration comes when it comes.

Dusty Series: 3 Missions

Posted at 6/3/2024, 1:32:15 AM

Hi Readers,

As promised, I'll start posting the new version of the old Dusty book 2. If you have read the obsolete version, this one is no different as far as the basic storyline. The changes are more to link this book to the new book 2 so it flows better and to fix some timeline and character issues.

So if you've read the old version 2 please don't be disappointed if you were expecting radical changes.


Posted at 5/19/2024, 11:09:31 PM

Dear readers,

I have a sad story to tell you. I had to go home (6+ hours away) and pick up my new trailer (8'x 5' dual axle - very sexy) and other tools and equipment so we could keep working on cleaning up my parents property (where I'm staying at present). Problem is, in my early morning hurry to leave yesterday (SUNDAY) I left my backpack with my clothes and LAPTOP in it behind.

Fortunately, for you, I have to travel back home on Thursday, as my husband needs to go back to his paid job. It has been nice having him with me for the last two months, but cleaning up my parents place doesn't pay our bills. You can hide a lot of junk on 10 acres and there is still more to do. We will get the place on the market eventually.

So, anyway, hopefully, I can post more chapters on Friday. Sorry for the delay.

Nearly finished Dusty Series: 1 Cop's Life.

Posted at 5/5/2024, 12:25:45 PM

Hi peoples,

I have another set of chapters (6) to post to finish '1 Cop's Life'. Then, I'll start posting the new second book, '2 Zaps', in a couple of days. I'll post in blocks of 5 chapters like I did for the first book. It has 105 chapters, so as long as I don't get distracted, it will take at least 22 days to post. Then, it will take another two weeks for book three, as it has 70 chapters.

The new second book partly explains why the old book 2 - 'Next Mission' is obsolete. The new version that will follow Zap has the timeline issues fixed, some people removed and others added, and some new material, so it follows on better from the first two books.

Note: The new second book is not as much about Dusty as the third is; her role is secondary. But chronologically, the new story fits in second place. I hope you like it anyway, as I had fun writing it.

Kris Me

Getting my life back on track.

Posted at 4/29/2024, 7:40:32 AM

Just in case you're wondering, I'm slowly getting my life back on track.

I've finally got my mum back into a Nursing Home. She has onset dementia, diabetes, urinary, sleeping and mobility issues. She requires 24/7 care. Unfortunately, Dad's death has exacerbated her dementia.

As far as I'm concerned, it is mentally and physically draining for one person to do this type of care for any length of time. A couple of hours of respite a week is not enough. My hat is off to those of you who do it, as I just couldn't contemplate doing it any longer than I had to.

It's been hard enough trying to sort out all the legal and other issues my dad's death left me with without looking after my mum at the same time. My siblings have not been of much help as they have their own issues.

My parents lived on 10 acres. Do you have any idea how much crap you can leave lying in the grass over a 45-year period when you don't chuck anything out, not even the weekly rubbish? Not to mention the eight falling down bush houses, old tank stands, two sheds of plant potting paraphernalia and one filled with old electrical equipment that we must deal with.

My husband and I have given up counting the trips to the local dump, metal recyclers, charities and other recycling businesses we have made over the Months. Unfortunately, he can't be here with me all the time, as he does have a real job. Flying back and forth to me for one week out of four has cost us a bomb. The idiot must love me — grin.

Anyway, I'm still battling on, and hopefully, we can get the property on the market in the next few months. That will be my next challenge, as we won't be able to fix everything wrong with the place, as it needs a total makeover. We are just concentrating on removing the rubbish and emptying the house.

So, I'll post the new, improved Dusty Series over the coming weeks just so you know I haven't faded into the ether.

Kris Me.



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