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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Kris Me: Blog



Posted at

Hi readers,
I have posted some of my stand-alone books on Bookapy. At a Price, the Job, Twitch and the Pick-up.

As time permits, I hope to post Delta as eight books (each part is a book).

Thank you for your support over the years, and I hope you all have a safe Christmas. Be Covid safe my friends.

Kris Me


Posted at

Hi readers,

Well, that's another book done and dusted but for the fixes that I'm sure you will inform me about. I hope you enjoyed it. And yes, I know you will all think I have to write another book. *grin* We will see...


Posted at

Hi readers,

I do have more to come, and my proof-readers are busy. The next instalment has five chapters and the last will have six. Soon, I promise.

Kris Me.

Go-Card - Fix-ups

Posted at

Hi readers,

I hade to repost chapter 10 as I made an error in my timeline. I'll also have to repost chapter 15 to fix that date too. I've been trying to keep the events in this story in line with the stories in Delta and Amity that also cover the same time frame. I forget that Utopia's year actually starts in their July not Earth's January.

Earth's year is also ten days shorter than Utopia's and Harmony's, so that didn't help either as I had to rework the correlating months, so they matched. Confusing I know but so is how time is recorded on different planets since we associate a year as being one complete orbit of the planets sun.

The dates don't really impact the storyline as much as they keep every in sequence in my mind.

Kris Me.


Posted at

Hi readers,

Strange, but true, I have been writing.

I was doing a writing course earlier in the year, and the lecturer had us build on an idea to start a story. I had, uncharacteristically, used public transport to get the course so I decided to write a story about a guy with a magical Go-Card. The card is used in Brisbane to pay for your trips on buses, trains, and ferries. This story is the result.

As you can guess, it is based in the Keltrian universe. You may note that I have put 'alternate universe' in the tags because my Earth is after all fictitious even though the story is set in the here and now.

This book does have links to characters in the book Delta, so if you have read it, then you will know the history of some of the people mentioned. It is, however, not directly related to that series as Tom does get about a bit.

I hope you enjoy my latest fantasy.

Kris Me.



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