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Kris Me: Blog


Delta on Bookapy

Posted at

For those who may be interested. I've split the original Delta into eight books and posted them on Bookapy. I've also posted The first Amity book - Storm, and the ninth Delta book Trixy. The Job, which is later referred back to in the Amity series is also posted.

I will eventually get the rest of Amity on Bookapy as time goes on.

Thanks to all of the people who support my writing efforts. Kris Me.

Jax on Bookapy

Posted at

For the impatient, the whole story of Jax is on Booapy. It has 29 chapters. For the patient, it will be about a week or so before you see it all on Sol.


Posted at

Hi readers, I meant to post this story a couple of months ago but got busy with other things. Since it is ANZAC day on the 25th, it's probably a good time to post this story. It's not quite the same as my previous posts so I hope you like it.

Delta is on Bookapy

Posted at

Hi folks, I know it's been a while but I've been busy with other life-related issues. Just so you know I've edited and posted Delta on Bookaby. The original book is broken down into the eight parts as separate books for easy download. The ninth book, Trixy, will get there eventually. I also plan to publish the Amity series as well.

Hope you are all well this ANZAC weekend. Lest we forget.

Merry Xmas

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Hi world

I'd like to wish you all a safe and Merry Xmas. If you can't hug a loved one you can send them lots of virtual kisses at least. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX x



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