Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Kraken: Blog



Posted at

Chapters 20-23 have been submitted for posting.

This week's submission includes more of the long awaited background. Based on previous feedback I suspect I'll be receiving more than the usual already high number of emails and comments. I'm really looking forward to them.

I hope all who celebrated the 4th of July holiday enjoyed a safe and fun filled day.

As a reminder, check out the Fact page of my website for more information on what's Fact and what's Fiction in the story:


Posted at

Chapters 16 through 19 submitted.

Enjoy the long 4th of July weekend and stay safe!


Posted at

All the corrections through Chapter 15 (a few homonyms, lots of non-possessive possessive apostrophes, typos, disappearing words, etc) have been made. I also replaced pistol 'clips' with 'magazines' as well as 'blueprints' with 'plans'. The cleaned up chapters have all been posted.

A big Thank You to all those who sent me emails with corrections and wording suggestions.


My website is now up at

The HOME page includes links to get the complete story in either digital or paperback for those who've asked abut getting the complete story. I'll continue to post chapters here on SOL for those who are content to read the story as I post it.

The FACTS page is a descriptive list of the major fact or fiction items. Links are included in the descriptions for those interested in knowing more. For those who've asked, I included a playlist, in the MUSIC section, of all the songs in the story.

The ABOUT page provides my bio, photos of the Mesilla Valley, historical photos related to the story, and recommended reading for those who'd like to learn more about Las Cruces, the Mesilla Valley, New Mexico, Apaches, and the Old West in general.

Robledo Mountain - New Chapters Submitted

Posted at

Chapters 11 through 15 submitted for your reading enjoyment.

Robledo Mountain: New Chapters Submitted Early

Posted at Updated:

I completely missed that this weekend is Father's Day. Since I'll be out in the country with the kids and sporadic internet access I've submitted Chapters 7 through 10 a day early! Enjoy the story, the weekend, and Father's Day!



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