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Justin Case: Blog


Apologies to my readers

Posted at

I want to take a moment to say that I am sorry for my recent fixation on “selling books”.

A couple of old friends from the old days (if the 90’s actually qualify as ‘old days) have recently pulled their “Patriot/Survival Fiction” stories and posted them to amazon for sale.
So, being the consummate schemer I am, I plugged some numbers into my trust calculator and got the wild idea that MAYBE my writing could help lessen the sting of my impending retirement options. (or lack thereof)

I have decided to give up.
NO, not on writing, but on trying to ‘monetize’
something that I have always done for ‘fun’.

I honestly just let a few good reviews go to my head, and I had a pipe dream of maybe being a real author instead of just some guy who writes stories.

I get my ‘definition’ from a little twerp that was himself an aspiring author, but had never gotten a ‘big envelope’ back from a single publisher.
I remember being told, at USM in the 80’s by this already jaded grad student who taught our creative writing class, that ‘the difference between a writer and an author is the paycheck’. His success was measured by money alone.

I realize now that he was incorrect.
It all depends on what ‘pay’ you consider to be valuable.

I think I just lost focus the real ‘value’ of everything I do in my life, and why I have done it for so long.
Kinda the same reason I am a volunteer fireman, putting in hundreds of hours a year to training and placing myself in dangerous life threatening situations….. for zero pay.
It is for one reason only…. because I truly believe that I AM my brothers keeper.

As far as my writing goes… it is an outlet. An escape. For myself and others.
And a reminder that romance, love, hope, justice, and even flawed heroes still exist in this world.
Sometimes even if only in black & white on a little screen.

We live in an environment now where ‘self harm’ and ‘self-inflicted permanent sleep’ are a real possibility for the people who can’t seem to deal with their lives or the world around them.

I appreciate all who read and like my stories.
If I can give someone a break from the daily stresses of life, then I am successful.

If my distractions can help even one person, or provide that little bit of wiggle room that prevents them from pitching over into the abyss, then I have fulfilled an even greater purpose.

And that will be worth more than gold and silver to me.

I don’t know how to blog

Posted at

Well, maybe I do.
Who knows? (

New content posted

Posted at

Okay, so I have a dilemma. I am posting as I get the Tommy Gunn chapters fully checked and re-read for posting.

The "Jeannie" and "Old Days" stories are clicking along as well as can be expected from a guy who works a job 70 hours a week.

Short Stories, both old and new, are also being added. Hope you guys like them.

What I am running into is the lack of useability on this Windows machine. I swear to god I was able to do more with my old XP or 98 machines.
Anyway, I am trying to upgrade to a MAC. They ain't cheap, but the word processing software is a bit more friendly to people who see "apps" as newfangled crap.
I have some patronage that is helping, and the coffee is doing well too. So maybe soon I can get rid of this abomination. We shall see.
I believe giving a little more slack to SOL authors and allowing for some degree of fundraising would go a long way here. Lord knows we deserve something for letting SOL profit off our hard work.
It's not like people donating to the author is going to cost SOL a single dime.

Linking or directing people to where they can go to find you on the 'patron' or 'coffee' sites could even be tied into PREMIUM by SOL.

Anyway, I guess I was just looking at stats and wishing.

But wouldn't it be really nice if we could get readers to chip in. They could just toss as little as Fifty Cents at us for every download??
I happen to think even a Quarter to read the latest chapter would be fair.
Am I the only one??

Tommy Gunn

Posted at

I want to thank all you folks for reading and commenting. And for voting.

As I begin the Tommy Gunn series, please keep in mind that a more “R-rated” version of each book will be submitted for sale after it is finished.

I am working harder on this one. Establishing characters that will follow on through all the books. Also lots of proofreading and checking that I am satisfied with the chapter before posting it.

This is going to be “the one” for me I think.
Tommy Gunn will be slow coming, but have more work and thought put into it.
I hope you all like it when I am done.


Jack’s Girl

Posted at

Posted my old story Jack’s girl.
Through a quick search, I managed to find where I had posted it on a survival board back in 2005.
Man, I’m getting old.

Anyway, thanks to those who commented and voted.
And also a huge thanks to my coffee club & patrons. With your help I am getting closer to a new puter so I can write better and more.

I appreciate your support.



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