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James Howlette: Blog


Stage one done

Posted at

I am surprised to say that I am done book 3 of Pathios' journey. I hadn't realized that my chapter designs were actually not working. I ended up reading two books of my own favorite author and began realizing the changes needed. even with the changes we have a nice 37 chapter book ready to start editing.

The only thing I need to look into for the next steps is a means to merge 37 chapters into an epub file to have it ready for Bookapy once edited. Given the completion, I am prepping start of book 2 of into the stars and look forward to dive into that. As always, Patreon will be a few chapters ahead of here, however the complete story will be available on Bookapy at the same time as the story begins posting.

Wanted to update all of you on the progress so you know that it will be posted as soon as I can.

Call to arms

Posted at

Hello all,

While I have asked a few months or so ago, I am checking who would like to work with me to start editing Book 3. There would be no guarantee that those who offered would be still available, so I figured check again.

I am hoping to get at least two people. The idea there being that once one finishes, the next goes through to catch anything else that was missed. I currently have 30 chapters ready to go. They are all separate files, making it easy for me to send them in batches.

I don't mind input to ensure that the flow of the story is maintained, removing continuity issues, ensuring that we don't miss grammatical errors.

Ideally, when I hope to have a quick turn around when I do send them, but I also understand that everyone has their own lives and things can happen.

Thank you all for your patience


Changes and plans

Posted at

Well hello all,

I didn't think I would ever write this, but I got fired today with cause, though it feels rather bogus. I will not get into those details, but mention it to say that while I look for employment, I will be writing to stave off the frustration of such a set back. I believe I am roughly half way through book 3 and will be glad when that is over.

Once I am nearly finished, I will be planning the editing and looking for help to ensure that things are much smoother. I will release the first three chapters on Patreon ahead of posting release, and I will be setting up the full book on Bookapy to coincide with the first chapter posting on here.

I am still on the fence of what to charge for the books, as I don't want to under sell them, but also don't want to over charge.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and I look forwards to many more years sharing the snippets of my imagination with you.

All the best, James

1/3 of the way there

Posted at

Work is progressing well now and I am happy to say book 3 is a third of the way done. Once I hit two thirds I will begin preparations for editing. I will be looking for people to do first and second passes to ensure better cohesion, as well as ensuring no spelling error make it past the first edit.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and words. It means the world to me and keeps me going. I hope to pick up the pace in the new year and be able to turn over stories faster. I just ask for some more patience.

Thank you all and keep safe



Posted at

Hello all,

I am happy to say i am working hard on book 3 of Pathios' journey. I am sorry that you are having to wait, but completing the story at my own pace will ensure that I maintain the quality you come to expect of my work.

Stargazer, while good, suffered from my process at the time, as I was writing the chapters week by week and sometimes at a scramble to meet my weekly posting requirement. I knew the story suffered from that, which is why I will not post until the story is done. The upside is I will be also posting the full book on Bookapy for those who will not want to wait each week.

Thank you to all those who have continued to support me through all of this and a big thank you to those who purchased my books. It is humbling to know people like and want to read my work.

I am torn, as to how to price my future books, as I want to make it fair to you the reader, but would like to create a supplicant form of income as well. I have so many stories swirling around in my head, but my day job takes a lot of my time and energy.

I will try to update more often and look forward to seeing how you all react to the next book. There is a short story about a character who will appear in book three on my patreon, for those who are members.

All the best,



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