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James Howlette: Blog


One book done, next book in the works

Posted at Updated:

Hello all,

I figured i would give an update on things. I know there were minor spelling errors that got through my proof readers for book 3, and i apologize for that as i know it can break immersion.

I am still looking for dedicated proof readers/editors, however my focus has been on real life lately. Work, time with family, all take a chunk of my time and I put what time I can into writing. With my third child due in April, giving one child a decade for a total of three, I have a lot on my plate.

I am currently writing book 2 for stargazer and also working out where book 4 will go for Pathios. I promise to keep you all updated, and may participate in some contests to keep you fed with new work.

All the best and keep safe,


All queued up

Posted at

Hello all, I am happy to say I have the entire book queued for posting. It will post once a week until the last week of November. That will give me time to get Stargazer done and maybe a start on book 4, or another story popping around in my head.

Thank you all and keep safe,


Good things keep coming

Posted at

Hello all,

Thank you to everyone who has either read the first chapter or bought book 3. I am soo pleased you have decided to choose my work.

I am also happy to announce that I have found a new job! It is better pay, slower pace and right up my alley.

Thank you to all who have supported me on here or on patreon who have supported me these last few years. It means the world.

All the best and keep safe


It had begun!

Posted at

I am happy to say I have posted chapter one of Everything Changes. Book 3 of the rebirth Saga.

I am soo proud to finally be able to share this with you all. I am so sorry it took this long, but I am happy to say I will be working to get you stories without such a gap again.

I hope you enjoy this journey we are embarking on. As always Patreon will be two chapters ahead, per Storiesonlines rules. As well, the full book is available for purchase on Bookapy.

All the best and keep safe out there


Editing and starting

Posted at

Happy to say I am going through for my editing pass. It is interesting to see how I missed things, shortcomings a sentence that needs to be fleshed out a little. I look forward to making my way through it in preparation of proof reading. Once that is done, I will make a singular file and then convert that to an epub.

I have also started dipping my toes back into the Stargazer Saga so don't worry, it will be coming. It also won't take as long as my last book has taken, of that I promise



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