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Iskander: Blog


Colette - posting commenced

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Chapter 1 of my latest novella (about 30,000 words) has just been submitted and should appear soon. I will be posting a chapter a week - but please note that the chapters are not of equal length - indeed this first chapter is very short.

There are eight chapters, an epilogue and an afterword.

The complete novella is available on Bookapy and for my Patrons on my Patreon (see my profile for the link).

Finally, please be aware that this story, somewhat inevitably, travels into some fairly dark places - and that starts in Chapter 1.

News of the sequel and a novella

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Through different Eyes the sequel to Through my Eyes. Again. is progressing. A number of people have been reading the first draft and providing feedback. I've now gathered all that into a single document so I can see the entire picture and work on their suggestions. I'm hoping to release TDE towards the end of the year.

I have also completed a slightly related novella about the Colette that Mutti Frida met in Ravensbruck Concentration camp. This is now available for beta readers. If you'd like to join the beta reader program, please drop me an email here.

As always, take care of you and yours in these increasingly 'interesting' times.

(Robert Hart)

Latest news about Through different Eyes

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It's been a while, so I thought I'd update everyone about the sequel to Through my Eyes. Again.

The good news is that the first draft is complete and beta readers are now providing feedback, allowing me fix any problems that exist (and they've found a few already). I'm hoping to have Through different Eyes on Bookapy and serialised on SoL before the end of the year.

If you can't wait to find out what happened when Col & Mutti Frida disappeared, you can join the beta reading program at my Patreon (see my profile for the link).

Robert Hart

Col's diary - the final excerpt

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Welcome to 2022 - even though it opens in quite a dark place, we have to hope it will improve from here.

As a late Christmas present - or an early New Year present or even a present from me to you on my birthday - you can get the final excerpt from Col’s diary on my page here - it's just been uploaded. This takes the story up to the start of Through my Eyes. Again. and so once you’ve read this, go and grab the ebook from Bookapy. If you want a paperback, that's available at Amazon.

As everything (including my birthday party) has been cancelled due to Omicron, this is quite a prolific writing time. As well as completing Col’s diary, I am 5,000 words into chapter 16 of Through different Eyes (the sequel to TMEA). I'm also working on a parallel story to Mrs Henderson's Limp but it's been stuck for about 10 days - but I think I can see my way forwards there, now I’ve let it brew for nearly a week. It is about another SOE radio operator - but it's going to be about 25,000 words (it's at 18,000 at present).

Here's hoping this year is better than the last two.

Take care of you and yours,

News about Through different Eyes

Posted at

With the holidays upon us, I have had some increased writing time. This has allowed me to complete up to Chapter 15 of Through different Eyes with Chapters 1 to 14 of this sequel to Through my Eyes. Again. now available on my Patreon. The link for this is in my profile.

For those of you who prefer to hold a book in your hand, a paperback edition of Through my Eyes. Again. is now available on Amazon - with the ebook version available through Bookapy.

Have a great and safe festive season, I'll be back with more of Col's diary after Christmas.

(Robert Hart)



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