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Iskander: Blog


Through different Eyes - Chapter 3 posted

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Chapter 3 of Through different Eyes was posted yesterday.

Looking at the statistics, it would seem that TDE is also generating new readers for the first book, Through my Eyes. Again. as well as my other stories, which is very pleasing.

TDE is a long book - twenty lengthy chapters and an epilogue. It is the final book in the Cold War and before universe (at least for now). Interestingly, while it's generating lots of votes (thank you, readers), there have been no comments yet.

Through different Eyes - posting commences

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The long awaited sequel to Through my Eyes. Again. has commenced posting. This novel reveals what happened to Col and Mutti Frida when they disappear unexpectedly and without trace from Will's life.

I would suggest you read Through my Eyes. Again. before starting Through different Eyes but the book does stand alone.

There are 20 (long) chapters and an epilogue - the entire book is just under 160,000 words. I will be posting a chapter a week from today onwards. As usual, the complete book is available on Bookapy.

I hope you enjoy this last book in the Cold War series.

Through my Eyes. Again. - repost

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With a new cover for my first novel comes a revised version of the contents. The story has not changed - but the telling of it is tighter as it is 10,000 words shorter.

Watch out for the sequel Through different Eyes which will start posting very soon!

Colette wins writing award

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Colette has just won the Editors' Choice award in the Bookshelf 2023 writing awards.

As a fairly new author, I am deeply chuffed at this recognition of my writing. So now you have even more reason to read this historical fiction set in WW2 here on Stories Online or buy it at Bookapy!

Colette - nearly the end

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I have uploaded chapter 8 of Colette. This is the end of the story told by Colette herself - but not the end of the novella.

The epilogue - told by Colette's mother - will appear next week. The full ebook version of the novella is, of course, available on Bookapy if you can't wait!

In other news, Through different Eyes is now out of editing and into the final read through. So the sequel/midquel to Through my Eyes. Again. is nearing publication.

Stay tuned - you'll hear about it here (but in more detail and sooner on my Patreon and newsletter mailing list).

Take care of you and yours - that damn virus is still out there!

(Robert Hart)



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