I currently live in Australia but have lived in the UK, USA and SE Asia. I write in British/Australian English. I speak a number of European languages (including Latin - in so far as anyone can claim to 'speak' Latin) and have a great interest in history and the Arts (classical music and opera in particular). Professionally, I am an engineer who retired, got bored and is now teaching senior Maths/Physics at high school.
You can sign up to my (fortnightly) newsletter at https://preview.mailerlite.io/preview/66622/sites/76863099932509909/e2Es6r
My web site is https://roberthartauthor.com/
My Bookapy is https://bookapy.com/a/52/iskander where you can buy the ebook version of "Through my Eyes. Again." "Through different Eyes" and "Colette".
My Discord Channel is
https://discord.gg/EUj2eHH where you will find I hang out with readers and other authors as we discuss writing in general and my writing in particular. Your input, comments and feedback are very welcome.
Take care of you and yours.
(Robert Hart)