Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Iskander: Blog


Through my Eyes. Again - writing continues

Posted at

Now that the Christmas season is over, January offers me lots of time to write and I am still hopeful of completing the first draft by the end of January. In spite of interruptions from real life, I am into chapter 14.

In the meantime, the Clitorides nominations are open. Please go and support your favourite stories and authors.

This year I was blown away by Ryan Sylander's Hook, Pick and Lens trilogy. You can't vote for that (as it counts as a series apparently) but you can vote for the last volume - Shutter Release. If you have not discovered this fascinating story, do yourself a favour and read it!

Progress report

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So, despite life throwing up the usual roadblocks, writing continues. Through my Eyes. Again has now reached chapter 12 and is approaching 60,000 words. With the academic year drawing to a close I am still hoping to finish this book by the end of January. I have several beta readers at work providing feedback, which is very useful. One piece of feedback entailed a major change of a character's back story - which fortunately did not have a significant impact on what was already written but does clarify motivation for future actions.

If you are interested in being a beta reader and providing feedback, please contact me.

We pause for an interruption

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I am still working on Through my Eyes. Again, but this short story has been bouncing around in head for several months. So, as a break from writing TMEA, I allowed After... to drift out of the shadows.

I hope you like it - and as always, please send me feedback - join my Patreon and Discord channel, the links are on my home page.

The writing continues...

Posted at

First of all, thank you for the continuing feedback - it's much appreciated. The draft of chapter 3 is available on my Patreon and I will be adding at least one more chapter there this week. I would really like feedback on these chapters as they are posted.

In the meantime, writing continues. First drafts of chapters 7, 8 and 9 are now complete but the story arc itself is still pulling in a couple of different directions after that.

On listening and taking advice

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I leapt into publishing my story with a great deal of enthusiasm, some angst and considerable naivety. Fortunately, there are many kind and helpful people here on SOL who suggested I not proceed as I had planned.

Rather, they pointed me at Patreon - a site where I could post my story in draft form and receive feedback in more controlled circumstances. Once the story was finalised, I could then post the story back to SOL on a regular schedule.

So, having listened to people (readers and authors), that is what I am doing. I have posted the first two chapters that are available here to my patreon site as public posts. From chapter three onwards, I will post these chapters as tier1 (friend) posts.

My patreon site is

I hope to see you there and, again, my thanks for the feedback and advice I have received here.



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