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GraySapien: Blog


Siberian Wizard: Book 5, the Wizards Series

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Just in time for the weekend!
I just submitted the fifth book in the Wizards Series, Siberian Wizard, to Bookapy's moderators.
This time, the Esper T finds himself trapped in Siberia during the Russian Revolution. The Tsar has been deposed, the Bolsheviks are in control (more or less), but a remnant of the allied armies are there to make sure that the allied Czech Legion can escape.
T finds himself recruited into the US Army, thought to be a man named Tyler who turned up missing, but with his body not recovered.
Much of the background for this story is real, as are many of the major characters. The US Army did indeed have soldiers in Siberia, who remained there while the rest of the WWI AEF was being demobilized. Bandit gangs, who included Cossacks in their numbers, fought White Russians, who fought the Reds, and both fought the Czech Legion. Local peasants survived as best they could.
This disorganized time period looked like just the sort of thing that would challenge my fictional characters!

The Ship

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I didn’t skip a chapter, and you should go by the chapter headings, e.g. Chapter Twenty-one or whatever. I think it’s a glitch in SOL’s chap-counter, caused when I reposted several chapters.
As for the apparent skip, all will be made clear soon. It works better in novel form than serialized!

NFI: New Frontiers, Inc.

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I just uploaded NFI: New Frontiers, Inc to Bookapy's moderators. I anticipate that it will be published soon.
Futuristic engineering, LOTS of action, and a barn-burning ending! If you liked The Ship, you'll love this follow on in the series!

Veil of Time

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I've just sent Veil of Time, the fourth book in the Wizards Series, to Bookapy's moderators.
This book features the characters from the previous books in the series, Combat Wizard, Wizard at Work, and Talent, but in a new setting!
This time, the Espers are exploring a new ability that combines teleportation and a side effect, time travel.
Libby, anxious to visit Grandpa Shorty, decides to use her new abilities to get to him as fast as possible. Teleportation is obviously the way, and after all, hasn't she learned everything that T and 'Uncle' Ray know about their Talents?
Well, not exactly, especially the possible side effects! Look out, Old West! Move over, Billy the Kid! The espers are coming, and they don't take prisoners!

Corrections, plus a chapter

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Apologies! Near as I can figure, I somehow skipped chapter 16 when I posted to SOL. I just reposted 16, 17, and 18, and as a penalty (me) and reward (you readers), I added chapter 19.
Time to check the version on Bookapy now. First glance, it looks okay but I'll double check to be sure.



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