GraySapien: Blog


New on Bookapy: MARS

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I just submitted the manuscript for MARS to Bookapy.
This novel, the fifth in the New Frontiers Series, deals with a number of issues that have cropped up since Mars was settled by humans.
Earth's Solar Union has demanded that the planet form a government as a condition to admittance as a member nation. And if that wasn't enough, there's the issue of the mammalian Flickers, who are forming triads with human prospectors! Earth's religions are NOT happy!
Want more? How about an apocalypse on the way, which the alien Flickers claim is unstoppable?
All this, and more!

Repost of Chap 24

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I just submitted a revised Chapter 24 of The Ship. For some reason, it showed up as a 'New Chapter', so beware of chapter numbering issues on SOL. The chapters are as the document headings state.

BEMs: Bug Eyed Monsters

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I just submitted BEMs to Bookapy's moderators, and it should be available soon.
This one has it all!
An aging, overworked hero; a neglected wife; aliens, 'good guys' who find humanity fascinating (would you believe on FB?), and bad guys who are a cross between a tiger and a velociraptor!
And the couple's adult children, who must confront the bad aliens because they're on their way to raid the solar system.
Chuck Sneyd, main character in the first three NF books, is off to lead a joint force of humans and extraterrestrial Flickers! Their mission? Board a BEM ship while it's underway, and kill off all opposition.
Guns on spaceships? BAAD idea! Chuck has his samurai swords, his soldiers have a bundle of dirty tricks in their bags!
And if you want to know more, well, you're just going to have to read the book!

Magic: Book 6, the Wizards Series

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I just posted the manuscript for Magic to Bookapy's moderators.
This novel concludes the Wizards Series, and is a minor departure from the other books in the series. For one, it features a new character, a young man who's on the run from his past, and for another, there are two young women who find him fascinating. The sex is minimal, and not graphic.
And there's a say-WHAT? ending that will stretch your brain!

NEO: Near Earth Objects

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NEO, the third book in the New Frontiers Series, has just been posted to the moderators.
I spent 14 hours yesterday, revising it, because once I got started I found I couldn't stop! Yeah, it's that good.
Space, engineering, action, politics, an existential threat, and a hero for the ages! What's not to like?
I think you will, and as with all my books, reviews are appreciated.



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