GraySapien: Blog


The Ship, and subsequent books

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A friend, Blair Howard (he writes mysteries, mostly; google the name) did the covers for most of the New Frontiers Series, and he left off the information about where the books occur in the series.
In order, they're The Ship, which is here on SOL, then NFI: New Frontiers Inc, NEO: Near Earth Objects, BEMs: Bug Eyed Monsters, MARS: the Martian Republic of Sol, all of which are available now from Bookapy. Which, as most of you know, is part of the SOL group of outlets for writers.
Still to come: Pirates, which I expect to post to Bookapy today or tomorrow, and Terra, which will take another week for me to revise and edit. It will be on Bookapy too.
The final book in the series, Hybrids, is half-written. My mental issues resulted in writer's block, so I put it away for a while and tried to regain my operating vocabulary. I hope that all the revising has done that, and since the plot is complete in concept, I intend to try to finish the book. If/when I do, it will go on Bookapy too.
And now, back to reading the latest installations on SOL!

Final chapters, The Ship

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Posted the last two chapters of The Ship to the moderators, so they should be on SOL soon.


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'esters' in the previous blog should have been espers. My bad!

The Ship, and the New Frontiers, Inc series

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I'll post the final two chapters of The Ship Thursday, a fitting end to my SOL career. Most of the others are on Bookapy now, and the ones that aren't will be there as soon as I'm done editing and revising them.
Jacob Jennings, a five book series; Combat Wizard, six books and a short story; Darwin's World, five books; The Ship, seven complete and an eighth that's about half complete; and The Wizard's Apprentice, a stand-alone.
I'm of two minds about posting Angel, the short story in the Wizard's universe, on SOL because it contains spoilers. The other Wizards series books--let's just say that the esters continue to evolve and develop new abilities, some of which are revealed in Angel.

Idle mind. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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So here I am, recovering from lunch and listening to CNN, AKA the Opinion Channel.
Along with oft-repeated commercials from companies too cheap to actually pay for new ones.
One such is the insurance company hawking cheap insurance, using a commercial doubtless filmed when TVs meant round screens with lots of snow.
The commercial? 'Remember the three Ps."
Seriously. Followed by an inexpensive 'actress', who dutifully asks 'What are the three Ps?"
With a line like that, I couldn't resist. Seriously, I couldn't, although it took me a few moments to think of three words that start with 'p'.
Piss, first, as in piss on it, but what else?
I came up with procure and panic. Now all I needed was a scenario that will never be filmed. Trust me, never!
Procure? A plant, of course! But that leaves panic, and a reasonable scene to fill a few seconds of air time.
Perfect! Scene, a hotel room with people milling around. (another p, you realize, and I know you're counting!) Free beer, for those who aren't politicking or PowerPointing. (Zounds!)
Peril! Free pints, remember?
Ah! A plant! In fact, rather a large plant that even Superman would love if he was caught short with no place (!!!) to change. And panic, because just as you're about to...but the couple walks by, without pointing at the lurker (you got that one yourself, right?) And...wait for it...they. pass precipitously, leaving our hero the opportunity to...
Piss in the Potted Palm!
(you'll never again watch that annoying commercial with a straight face!)
Don't thank me. Really.
But if you feel like sending money?



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