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GraySapien: Blog


Darwin's World

Posted at

Darwin's World is coming to an end. I'll finish posting it this week, add in a chapter fromt the next book in the series (The Trek), and next week I'll start on Jacob Jennings, a history-based western.
I don't write explicit sex, so don't expect it in any of the books I post here.
Yes, it happens, and I acknowledge the fact, but I expect the reader to fill in such details as he/she feels are necessary!
Historically, it happened more than you might think; Ancestry and similar sites have uncovered a bunch of secrets, A LOT of people died, thinking their transgressions would never be revealed! For example, one of my ancestors was black, and as a result my ancestry is 1% to 2 % African. From southwest Africa, at that!
And since the majority were Southern White...well... :O

Clarifying my earlier blog

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My motive for writing my earlier post came from something another author wrote. The post was never intended to be a threat.
As of now, I intend to keep Darwin's World on SOL.
I'm planning to post a different novel, starting next week, in a different genre. It has never been on SOL. The title is Jacob Jennings, and the setting starts out in Mexican Texas. My fictional characters interact with real characters from that time, and all of them are based on research. If you're into history, I'll furnish you the titles of books I used while writing the American West Series.
Also under consideration for SOL: The Wizard's Apprentice. It's sword, sandals, and sorcery, with a lot of humor tossed into the mix.
Depending on how I'm doing after they're done (I'll be 83 in February), I'll post Combat Wizard.

Ratings, Comments, and Similar Ankle-bites

Posted at

Every author on this site took a leap of faith when he posted his work here. Don't like it? Don't read it!
I don't.
Reading a paragraph or two, then quitting to look for something you like better, is the equivalent of taking a book off the shelf, deciding not to read it, then putting it back. And do NOT critizize the person for not writing what you don't want to read!
Some well-known writers keep their rejection slips. J. K. Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter books? She has a shoebox full of them. I only have one, oddly enough for Darwin's World! The publisher decided not to risk his money on a novel from an 'unknown' writer.
Think I'm joking? I'm not. Thousands of excellent writers write scripts for movies and television series, but look at what gets made: Spiderman, Iron Man, various cartoons, etc. Better to risk your money on the latest James Bond iteration, and keep doing it even as the audience numbers dwindle. No blockbusters, those ships have sailed, but almost always profitable. Actors, ditto; if you can't get parts in major movies or series, Amazon, Netflix, Paramount, etc, will take your lesser efforts.
Object lesson: I got hate mail for Darwin's World the first time through, and pulled my other books from SOL. I published 24 on Amazon, not SOL, and people paid me a lot of money for the privilege of reading them.
Think of that the next time you decide to slam a writer's work.

New chapter sent

Posted at

I just submitted chapter 22 of Darwin's World.
For those who've gotten used to a chapter almost every day,'s been a long weekend and a lot has happened. For that matter, it's still happening!
Visitors, probably know how that goes...and one ended up sleeping in my office. Hence, no opportunities to work on the next chapter.
With luck, I'll get back on schedule later this week.

Of names, and pen names

Posted at

Several have asked about Darwin's World, whether it's available elsewhere. It is, under my real name Jack L Knapp. Google if you're interested, and you'll find it. You'll also find that my books have been pirated, bought, resold, and are now being offered around much of the known world!
Ah, well. It's only money, right?
'GraySapien' was supposed to be GraySapient, but at the time the extra letter wasn't allowed! So my nom-de-SOL was the one you've been seeing.
Thanks to all who've written, and FYI I've incorporated almost all of the corrections you've suggested. Amazon's reviewers aren't nearly as helpful!



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