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Fatbastard: Blog


First Time Again back on track

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I got somewhat distracted by a new story - a "coming of age" tale that I couldn't seem to get out of my head.

In future, I will finish any story I start before posting the first chapter, so as to be able to keep to a posting schedule in spite of the pressures and complications that seem to be an inevitable part of everyday life.

Anyhoo - First Time Again is back in the front of my consciousness, and I will finish it before I do any more work on anything else.

I hope you are enjoying reading it as much as I am enjoying writing it. Please VOTE and COMMENT.

Chapter 33 Reined In

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A headstrong horse, donkey, or mule can take an inexperienced rider a long way if he (or she) can manage to stay on it. Eventually the animal allows the rider to take some control over the direction and pace of the ride.
Stories might be a bit like that. I now have at least some idea where this might go, and I continue to be amazed by the way my unconscious evidently operates.
The 'details' which I dropped into early chapters for no particular reason except to add a bit of local colour or to 'flesh out' the characters now serve as 'bases' on which subsequent events keep getting erected. I am still having enormous fun with this story, and I continue to hope that readers are too.

Chapter 30 posted - still out of control.

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A 'proper' writer plans their work - a beginning, middle, climax and rapidly following conclusion. Plot, character development etc - blah de blah. I guess I have to admit (tho it may be obvious to readers) that I am not a 'proper'writer, since this story - like Topsy "just growed" and I have no idea where it is going. I hope youare enjoying it as much as I am. Please VOTE or even better, COMMENT.

Chapter 27 posted - totally out of control

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This story started out as a short one, but it is clearly no longer under my control. If you are getting half as much pleasure from reading as I am enjoying writing, it is a win/win all round. The conceit of using Steely Dan Lyrics for the chapter headings seems to have run its course. You can encourage (or discourage) me by VOTING,or better yet comment with compliments, criticisms, or questions.

First Time Again - Chapter 7 completed

Posted at

It has taken me three months to get back to it, but after Xmas with a whirlwind of rellies and friends, and then a real cyclone wreaking local havoc, I finally managed to complete and repost Chapter 7. Enjoy!



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