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It feels like the energy I had, when I began writing them, has left me, and the storylines have escaped me, too. I hope to return to them at some point but will not promise to do so.
With this in mind, I'm embarking on a totally new idea and style. One that you'll either enjoy or hate.
To clear this up, I am not infected with the Coronavirus. Not even the flu. It was just a common cold that turned to bronchitis.
Thank you for your kind thoughts.
I'm currently avoiding unnecessary contact with the general population because I am at increased risk being diabetic and having chronic health issues.
Be safe!
Due to recent illness, my posting is going to be slowed considerably. Among things, I have to go back over the last couple of chapters to be sure where I was and what my thoughts were at the time. My mind is a bit fuzzy on the details.
I have not given up on my stories. But, getting sick kicks my ass every time. Stay safe and healthy friends.
Looks like an error was made. I uploaded the update for chapter one part two, but goofed and it got placed as chapter one part one. This will be fixed later today. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Made corrections to chapter 1. I think I got them all with help from my readers. Thank you very much for your assistance!
Chapter 2 is now in the queue. Enjoy!
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