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DaMuddaFukkah: Blog


Daily Update 24 June 2024

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All right folks so a lot to get to today even though it's only been 24 hours since my Last Post. actually it has probably been less than that but it's been a busy day. A lot to talk about some of which has happened in the past 24 hours some of which hasn't. Let's see, let me try and find my notes relating to what I wanted to talk about. OK so I know I told you that the next thing I was going to work on was probably the next chapter of Man of the House and true to my word that's exactly what I've done. I know some of you have been frustrated with me for writing one chapter of one story and then putting it away and writing another chapter of another story and then putting that away and so on and so forth and to be honest that practice has presented me with some challenges too. For one it's been impossible for me to remember what happened in the last chapter in a story before writing the next chapter, so what I've decided to do is when I go to write a chapter in a story what I'll do is go back to the beginning of the previous chapter and do a complete proofread and rewrite on that chapter and then write the new chapter. That way I'll be up to date on what has happened in the story at least in the past chapter. That's what I did today and to be honest it was a ******* banner ******* day in terms of productivity and how happy I was with my output. I did a complete rewrite/proofread on Man of the House Chapter 2 and I wrote Man of the House Chapter 3 although to be completely honest it's a very short chapter. That may disappoint some people while other people I know have given me feedback that my chapters are way too long and the action moves way too slow for what happens and while I do think forced stripping is just about the hottest thing in the world (OK if not the hottest thing then definitely in the top 5) that there does come a point when stretching it out and savoring it becomes more of a bad thing than a good thing. So as I write new content I will try to be conscious of this and make an effort to move the action along at a faster pace. That's part of the reason why chapter 3 of Man of the House was so short. So that's point #1: the news that Man of the House Chapter 3 is written and now on to point #2

which is related.

I don't know how old all my fans are but it probably runs the gamut from age 18 to 99. In any event not to age myself but when i was growing up there was a set of books called Choose Your Own Adventure and, in those books, you would read a page or two and get to a point and it would say if you want to see this happen in the action turn to page 20 if you want option B happen in the story turn to page 37 or something like that and I always thought those were the coolest books ever and I also thought that it would be really ******* cool to write my stories in that way. Well of course with so little time to write lately that along with basically everything else that I've wanted to happen with my stories hasn't happened but now with my schedule opening up at least until the end of this week I thought I would give my readers a choice. It's not so much a Choose Your Own Adventure as it is a poll in which my readers can weigh in on what they would like to see happen in terms of a critical decision. Here’s the choice, just before Jared finishes taking off Debbie's shirt he says to her “mom, if you just lay there and let me take off your shirt and don't resist then I give you my solemn promise that I won't take off your bra but if you continue to try and fight while I take off your shirt then I promise you I am going to take off your bra as soon as I’m done taking off your shirt. The question I'd like my readers to weigh in on is what does Debbie do? Does she suffer through the humiliation of just lying there and allowing her own 14 year old son to take her turtleneck off and see her in nothing but her bra from the waist up or does she continue to fight in a desperate attempt to keep her shirt from being taken off at all. I don't know how long it'll be until I get chapter 3 of Man of the House up but if I were you I would weigh in sooner rather than later on what you would like to see happen since, like I said, chapter three was such a short chapter you never know I may bang out chapter 4 really fast before moving on to the next story. So that's point 2. Now as to point 3

As I mentioned before I think my rate of productivity may slow down somewhat starting next week as the amount of privacy I will have to write my stories during the day will most likely be reduced.

So that's point 3 as to point 4 which is the second to last point.

I got to say I have just been absolutely loving checking out text to image generation artificial intelligence it's just so ******* cool. I guess maybe I should have mentioned this earlier since it does relate back to Man of the House but I've been experimenting with image based character generation based on text prompts. So far I have mostly been using SFW image generation based on character descriptions but I am sure that I will start to include NSFW image/character generation in the future depending on how much time I have and on how much I can’t keep focused on my stories and instead want to play around on the internet. In any event, I've been giving different free AI websites text prompts and at least one of the results I was so pleased with that I will be replacing Chapter 1 of Man of the House with a new version of the chapter that has a picture of Debbie in it; at least how I think she looks best for now in the story.

Which leads me to point 5 which is

if anyone else is enjoying experimenting with image generation via text prompts and would like to help me out trying to generate some cool photos of some of the characters in my stories please feel free to do so and share the results with me and if you would like me to share the text prompts that I am using to generate my images I will be more than happy to do so. Just PM me or email me at the email address in my profile and we can start to work together.

Lastly, Most likely tomorrow Tuesday June 25th 2024 will not be a good day for me make more progress on my stories but I'm hoping that the following day Wednesday June 26th and Friday June 28th will both be good days for me to produce some content and then get it up on SOL to share with you. Thanks to everyone for being a fan and for all the feedback I get. I want to produce the most enjoyable stories possible as much as you do.

Your Friend,


Daily Update 23 June 2024

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Just submitted High School Graduation Day Chapter 12 for posting. Next up is the next chapter of Man of the House and after that Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Spread Family Thighs and who knows what else. I also have a lot of other 1/2 written stories that I'd like to get posted so we will see what happens. Whatever it is I hope you like it



Daily Update 21 June 2024

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All right folks, so thank those of you who provided me the feedback letting me know that my latest story the snow storm needed additional proofreading. I've gone ahead and done that although I can't say that some eagle eyed readers won't find additional typos or things like that. In any event, I appreciate all of you who are acting as my eyes and ears as well as my proofreaders and helping me get these stories up and posted and looking as good as possible as soon as I can. Now that I've finished proofreading this snow storm I'm jumping right into doing a final proofread/rewrite of the latest chapter of high school graduation day. It is possible that I will be able to get that posted today too but I would think it is unlikely. Cheers, and thanks to everyone for being a fan.



Daily Update 19 June 2024

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Hey Folks so I got some feedback that I shouldn’t have stopped the final proofread of the snowstorm on page 11 so I’ll be going back and re-reading the rest of it to take out all the typos etc. Plus, yesterday, I finished the first draft of the next chapter of High School Graduation Day. So that will get a review and re-write and then hopefully I’ll try to have that up by this weekend. After that, based on the last time I updated each of my stories the order is supposed to be

Self Defense Instructor, The karate queen: Last updated 12/09/23

Spread Family Thighs: Last updated 02/08/24

Man of the House: Last updated 02/15/24

Oppositional Defiance Disorder: Last updated 04/06/24

but, honestly, I’ve gotten more requests to work on Man of the House than I have all my other stories combined so I think maybe I’ll write another chapter of that before I start on anything else. Having been afflicted with ADD I do seem to bounce around a lot so I did spend some hours working on a final rewrite of the first three chapters of Mom’s Dilemma Redux and I did write a portion of the first chapter of The Natural Order of Things: A story from the SelectaCorp Spoils of War Universe. I’m hoping and praying as much as any of you that good fortune continues to smile on me and I have a lot of time each week to work on getting these stories written. That being said, I do foresee a reduction in my privacy starting at the beginning of July so, depending on how much I have someone looking over my shoulder, we may see a significant slowdown starting then. Then again, and I know this seems a long way off right now, but if everything goes to plan then I do see another dramatic increase in the amount of time I have to write starting back up again at the beginning of December.
That’s all the news I have for now. Thanks for everybody’s patience and thanks to those of you who enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them.



New Complete Story posted - The Snowstorm

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Alright there story lovers of all ages so, as I alluded to in my last post I was cautiously optimistic that I was going to have more time to write, at least in the short term and then maybe in the long term and, at least for this week, that prediction came true. For I found myself in a situation where I was left alone with an obligation to sit in front of a computer even though I had very little to do and so I had a choice. I could spend those hours doing something that I wouldn't be embarrassed about if people found out or I could write my stories. I knew that the smart choice was to do something else but I went ahead and worked on my stories anyway. Luckily no one discovered that I was writing XXX rated stories about rape and incest and so I am saved from embarrassment at least for now. The end result of this is a one chapter story that I have entitled "The Snowstorm: The worst blizzard a mom could ever fear." Luckily, while my situation allows me to write my stories it doesn't let me pursue some of my other interests such as seeing what sorts of things AI can generate in terms of images and stories. "The SnowStorm" is a result of me playing around with AI. I found a site where you can pick different characters and engage in role play. You play one part and drive the story by what you write and then the AI cranks out the rest of it. Of course, even on this site that was geared towards adult content it wouldn't generate anything that could be interpreted as being non-consensual and so, after it was done, I had to go back and re-write it into one of my fantasies. I hope you like it. Collaborating with AI may have acted as a counterweight that negated the things on which I receive the most negative feedback. Regardless of what you think of it, it is what it is and I'm putting a check mark against it. Next it is back to chapter 11 of Graduation Day and then who knows, as always in this endeavour whatever comes next is what ever I decide. Cheers DaMuddaFukkha



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