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DaMuddaFukkah: Blog


Daily Update 26 July

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Progress moving a little bit slower this week but I did just finish the first draft of Spread Family Thighs Chapter 7. It's possible I may get a chance to write a little bit of chapter 8 today as well but it is certainly not guaranteed. Once again, when I'll get a chance to do a proofread and then re-write of chapters 6 and 7 I'm not sure. The beginning of September looks promising for additional opportunities to work on my stories but up until then I'll keep chugging along trying to first produce and then polish new content so that I can get it up on SOL sooner rather than later.
Thanks for everyone's patience. 


Daily Update 19 July 2024

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A first draft of Spread Family Thighs Chapter 6 has been written and, from there, I went straight into writing Chapter 7. Less than a page of Chapter 7 has been written but I will be working on writing more of all my stories whenever I have the chance. As to when any new chapters of any stories will be posted on SOL I can't say for sure but I'll try to get it up as soon as possible. (Pun intended)

Cheers and thanks for your patience.


Daily Update 15 July 2024

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alright folks so like I said before the chapters with all the f****** are harder to write then are the chapters with the stripping and, until I can get in a position where I feel like I can focus on doing those chapters justice I'm going to go back through all the half written stories I've created since the beginning of the millennium and do a final edit before getting all those posted. Like I said before in a blog post I am cautiously optimistic that, come December, I'll be in a position to start writing any and every chapter I want regardless of the content. Does that mean you'll have to wait another four and a half months to get to the good stuff on any of these stories. Not necessarily. Stories could be finished and chapters could be written at any time but if chapters don't get written before the end of November then I am confident that they will start to get written during the beginning of December and we can get some of these stories moved from the incomplete status to the complete status. I appreciate everyone's patience and I can imagine that it can be infuriating having to have the premise of all these stories put out there only to not have the satisfying conclusion cum along with it. But I'm working with the hand I have been dealt and I think things have gotten a lot better as of lately. I'm hopeful that things will stay this good until the end of the year at which time things will get even better.

And I almost forgot why I started writing this blog post in the first place. For those of you who are interested, An early draft of the first four chapters of "I'd do anything to protect my son" have been submitted for posting. As AI text to image generation gets better, look for all chapters of all stories to eventually get re-posted hopefully with some pictures of the characters in the stories and whatever else I can think of that might make them even better.

Lastly, I ran Microsoft Word spelling and grammar check right before I posted these chapters and, for some reason, Word seems to think a comma is needed in a bunch of places that I don't so if you see grammar and/or spelling mistakes and want to bring those to my attention so that I can correct them please do.



Daily Update 8 July 2024

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With a lack of adequate pre-planning I have run several of my stories up against the chapters that are the most difficult to write. I will get these chapters written as soon as I can but, before I can do so, I am going to have to dig myself a deep dark hole and bury myself in it so that I can get all wound up and jumpy as I write the chapters I find most arousing without being discovered. In the meantime, I have started proofreading the first 40 pages or so of another story I have that is partially written. It’s called “I’d do anything to protect my son” and its description is contained in the last chapter of Eighth grade Chaperone. Depending on how I feel I may do this with more than one story that I have partially written but I give you my promise that I will complete them all it will just take some time.



Daily Update 5 July 2024

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Chapter 4 of Self Defense Instructor: The Karate Queen has been re-written and reposted along with Chapter 5 which is a new chapter. I have continued to play around with AI text to image generation for the characters in my stories. If you would like to see the SFW pictures they are all here.



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