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DaMuddaFukkah: Blog


Daily Update 02/08/2024

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Alright folks so I have been informed that the first edition of Spread Family Thighs and Stuffed Family Pies has been deleted as the webmaster doesn't support duplicated stories on the site. I still have a copy so anyone who wants to save a copy of those original chapters and didn't get a chance to do so please message me privately. Also, someone was nice enough to point out to me that I neglected to run spell checker before I posted the new version so I am going to do that now and then re-post the updated version without all the typos.

I hope to have some new content for you soon.



Daily Update Feb 7th 2024

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So anyway, as many of you know by now, an argument could be made that I am not that disciplined in my writing. What can I say? My writing is a source of enjoyment for me and I'm not going to temper that enjoyment by doing what I think I should do as opposed to what I want to do. In any event, what this means is that, rather than working on new content as some have asked me to do, I went back and rewrote Spread Family Things and Stuffed Family Pies starting again from the beginning of chapter 3. Now, I hate to throw things away; it seems that whenever I do I find a reason to need or want what I just threw away the very next day. So I didn't want to throw away chapters 3 through 9 of the original story so what I did was to create Spread Family Things and Stuffed Family Pies 2nd Edition. In this new edition, chapters 1 and 2 are identical to the ones that had been posted before while chapters 3 through 9 of the original story have been re-written and shortened down to just two chapters in the second edition. But the second edition has been submitted for posting as I write this and, if you don't see it up on the site, I'm guessing that is because SOL didn't want to post a second edition of a story that was already on the site. In the meantime, I don't know what I am going to work on next. I guess the low hanging fruit would be to open up all the half stories I have already written and proofread those and then get them posted but I know that is not what readers really want and I too want to get some of these stories finished sooner rather than later so that I can move onto something else. Right now, I am thinking about going back and doing some more work on graduation day. I think I am pretty close to wrapping that story up in the way that I want so maybe I'll work on that and see if I can't get that closed out. As always all feedback (even negative feedback) is appreciated and hopefully I'll have something new for you to read soon. Sincerely, DaMuddaFukha

Daily Update 4 January 2024

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Alright all you pervs and pervettes here's the latest update on what's been going on with me. Oh gosh, Let's see. All right, so it's 2024. I hope everyone had a good holiday season. Actually, I don't really care if you did or not have a good holiday season but, as far as you're concerned, uh, this Xmas and new years wasn't the best for me in terms of having a lot of opportunities to write. What I did have a lot of time to do was take a lot of walks. Now, one thing you should know about me is that when I walk I tend to daydream and by daydream I mean I think about the stories I want to write and I start to write them in my head as I walk. And not just write but re-write and, in the past, I've asked myself 'Why does it take so many pages to tell these stories. I mean, when I wrote eighth grade chaperone in my head it seemed like getting Shawna's top off should have taken a couple of pages at most. It certainly shouldn't have turned into a 300 page story, which it did. But that story's done. One story that is not done is Spread Family Thighs and Stuffed Family Pies and, when I was walking, I was asking myself if it really should have taken nine chapters and God knows how many pages just to get to the point where Elyse is about to get her pussy shaved. I guess I'm of two minds about this and I'm never really happy. I describe myself as being the goat for whom the grass will always be greener on the other side of the mountain. There is a part of me that thinks of each story as the world's most delicious dessert. You want to savor every second of it and make the experience that you are enjoying so much last as long as possible. But then I guess there is another part of me that wants to move the action along as quickly as possible so that I can then get on to writing the next story and living out the next fantasy inside my head. It's a tossup and while I used to think that writing was ultimate freedom; create your own universe and nothing happens in it unless you decide to make it so. But now I am realizing that I am still trapped. If I take the story in one direction then I can't also take it in another direction unless I write a second version of it where an alternative course of action is taken. Regardless, if you are still reading this blog post you are probably hope that I'll shut the fuck up and get to point of why I'm telling you all this, regardless of whether you even give a shit? I'm telling you this because I've re-written Spread Family Thighs and Stuffed Family Pies starting from the end of chapter 2. Once I'm back up to the point I was at the end of Chapter 9 in the original version (where Elyse is about to get her pussy shaved) I'll probably be deleting chapters 3 through 9 as they stand now and replacing those chapters with the new chapter 3. So if you like the way the story is written now, maybe you want to save those chapters to your hard drive? So that you can go back and reread them later. What I'm going to try to do is put everything that is currently in Chapters 3 through 9 in the new chapter 3 and end the new chapter 3 at the same point that Chapter 9 ends now which is right at the beginning of the shaving. Another idea I have is that I re-post chapters one and two as they are a second time and call them Spread Family Thighs and Stuffed Family Pies 2nd edition. And then the new chapter three will be chapter 3 2nd edition. And what I'll do after that? As far as how the story moves forward, I haven't quite decided. Anyway, that's the scoop so. Do with it what you will. It's January 4th. I'm hoping to get another few hours of writing in today. And then we'll have to wait and see as to how much time I have for writing as each day goes by. Hope you have been well and Happy New Year's. DaMuddaFukkha

Daily update 9 December 2023

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Took a break from Spread Family Thighs and Stuffed Family Pies for a while and posted the next chapter of 1 of the two stories on which I have had the most request for progress. Chapter 4 of Self Defense Instructor: The Karate Queen has been submitted for posting

Daily Update 29 November 2023

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Sorry folks, not a moment to write in the past 11 days. However, I am still alive and still committed to getting back to writing as soon as I can.





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