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A new story being posted and I'm already getting some feedback about minor errors that have slipped through the scrutiny of both editors and myself. I'll wait a day or so to see if any more show up before I repost the first set of chapters, then move on to any other fixes as required. Thank you to those eagle-eyed readers for their help.
I'm delighted with the response to my most recent story, Above and Beyond. You surprised me with both the score and the support. Writer's block is no fun, especially with unfinished ideas floating around in my head, trying to turn them into a cohesive plot. Your encouragement will keep me going for some time.
Thank you,
Coaster2 (Steve)
It's been almost a year since I posted a story as I've been going through a prolonged bout of writer's block. I hope you enjoy Above and Beyond.
As most of my regular readers have realized, it's been quite a while since I've posted anything new. It's not because I haven't been writing, believe me. But the idea inventory has never been at a lower ebb. My last blog indicated the level of frustration when I deleted 137 pages of a story. I wasn't going anywhere in particular, and even though it had a potentially decent premise, I couldn't seem to make it interesting.
I've also reconciled myself to being a "romance" writer. I'm not into detailed sex or fetishes, and I'm not bright enough to write a mystery story (lord knows I've tried), so I've stuck with what I'm most comfortable with ... variations on romance themes.
As the heading of this blog states, I'm still here and I'm still trying.
Yes, I've done what I almost couldn't bring myself to do. I've dumped one of my longer unfinished stories; all 294 pages of it. It was more of the same. A protagonist who wandered through life letting things happen to him without a single nasty thought or aggressive reaction. Well, maybe I'm exaggerating, but when I sent my first twelve chapters to my editor, he pretty much told me what I've told you. So, I sucked it up and deleted it in total.
Now, I'm in rewrite with the same concept, but a different perspective. It won't seem like it for the first few chapters, but there will be some significant changes. I'm not sure it will end up anything like "An Act of Necessity" but it will be different from my latest efforts.
I hope it turns out to your satisfaction, so please be patient.
Cheers, Coaster2
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