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Coaster2: Blog


Ch 5 Corrections and repost

Posted at

I owe an apology to all those Indiana Hoosiers who I insulted by incorrectly spelling their nickname. Worse still was the fact that I must have read the word five or ten times without realizing my error. Happily, a sharp-eyed reader spotted it.
In addition, I had a continuity error. When Pete first got his chance to play in place of Demitrius, I had the coach tell him he was going to start. No! It was already the end of the first quarter, so that needed to be fixed as well.
I hope that's the end of these embarrassing errors.

Help with conversion to html with new Word version

Posted at

I have a new version of Word and I'm having a problem with converting Word copy to html for posting.
I can eliminate the marked up items in Word (select No Markup under Tracking), however when I convert to html using Web page (or Web Page Filtered)the markup edits by my two editors end up as footnotes at the end of each chapter. Any suggestions on how I can shake these off?
Any help would be appreciated. My version of Word is from Office 365.
Thank you in advance,

Found the name of the missing story!

Posted at

Thanks to some of my readers with very good memories, I found the story I was looking for. It was written my H2Owader and was entitled "My Biggest Mistake." The author was kind enough to send me a copy of the story, but I don't feel I can distribute it to others without his permission. I would suggest you contact him it you're interested.
Thanks to all the people who helped. I really appreciated it.

Looking for a story that I can't find

Posted at

I've been going through my usual authors and can't find a story that's been on my mind. It's about three wives who take a vacation in the Alaska wilderness while their husbands stay home and mind the children. The wives become involved with the guides and one of the guides is a U of Michigan student who lives not too far away from their home. When husband(s) unearth the truth, the marriage is in trouble.
Any suggestions would be welcome. I can't for the life of me remember either the title or the author.
Thanks for your help,

Goof Fixed and Story Reposted

Posted at

I inadvertently posted Ch. 8 as Ch. 9. It was the correct chapter for copy with the wrong title. I've re-posted, fixing another small error at the same time.
Also, to all of you who let me know of all the alternatives to Microsoft Office, I thank you for your suggestions. Right now, I'm stubbornly getting to grips with the latest version and it looks like I've got myself back on track. Time will tell.
Coaster2 (The stubborn old fart!)



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