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Coaster2: Blog


Problem w/Ch13-15 Once Upon a Fantasy

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Several readers encountered a problem with Chapters 13 & 14 in finding it broken and out of the order it should be in. I checked my HTML copy and it was okay, so I deleted the offending chapters and reposted. Here's hoping this fixes it.

Production Irregularities

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I was reading Alan Joyal's blog of Feb 2 and realized just how common are the problems those of us who choose to write and post our stories.
Lately, I've been on a "hot streak," if you can call it that. Last year was a struggle and it wasn't until mid-December that something clicked and got me going again. Since then I've posted two stories, "Coming From Behind" and "Delayed Reaction," have another near final editing, and another finished and waiting for editing (they are volunteers after all and I don't want to overload them), another three-quarters written and still another (a sequel) at least half written.
I'm afflicted with a lousy memory these days, entirely due to age, I'm sure. So, if I get an idea for a story, I stop what I'm doing and get an outline down so that I don't forget the concept. The problem with that is that some of my outlines are eight chapters long (LOL). Anyway, it looks like 2012 is going to be a much more productive first half at least and my brain isn't as empty as I originally thought.
Coaster2 (Steve)

More Stupid Mistakes

Posted at

I have reposted "Delayed Reaction" 18 hours after its original post when I discovered more errors. Not too major, but very frustrating. It seems I can see them more clearly when I read the published version versus my original version. My apologies to those readers who probably noticed these mistakes before I was able to correct them.



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