I decided that the story that I posted as the first entry under the Beth--Outtakes banner should stand alone, so I have made the change. I will endeavor to get another "first" entry under that banner soon.
Beth -- Chapter 39.3 and the future
Posted at
Chapter 39.3 is in the queue. There are a few more long, involved days coming in the lives of Beth and the rest of the Go5.
Beth -- Chapter 39
Posted at
Another huge day in the life of Beth and the Gang. This chapter will be posted in three parts.
Beth -- Chapter screw-up
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I obviously got confused when I uploaded the current chapter. That should have been Chapter 37.1, not 36.1. I had Chapter 36 ready to go, but somehow overlooked it. I'm working on correctly the error and hope to have the actual Chapter 36 uploaded soon.
Beth -- Chapter 36
Posted at Updated:
The recently added chapter 36 should have been listed as Part I of Chapter 36. The date is a big one for Beth and the Go5, so it will be split into three parts.