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Work continues to take up much too much of my time. While I managed to sneak enough writing time in on the weekend in order to finish and post Chapter 46, I am now in a place that I've never been since putting the first words of the story to electronic paper: I have not so much as a word written beyond the most recently posted chapter.
Fortunately, it looks like this week might be the last of the current big crunch of work needing to get done. Additionally, this week is currently looking like it won't be quite as brutal as the past three, so I am hopeful of stealing some time to get some writing done.
I believe that the story should be less intense for a little bit, with less story-critical action happening for a while. Yes, the girls will be having their nights with Charlie, but, other than Heather settling in, the rest of the current story week should be easy to write. We'll see, though, as I have found it amazing how often subsidiary story lines have made themselves known to me at times when there was little going on.
Thanks to all those that responded to my query about oyster50. Somehow, I missed his more-recent blog post.
His Smart Girls Universe can claim a bit of inspiration for my Beth Universe, as I'm a firm believer in smart girls, for a number of reasons.
My current favorite billboard: Girls should learn history... and make it.
While I've finished Chapter 45 and hope to do final edit and submission soon, a brutally long work week has put me behind on writing and adding chapters of Beth. The short-term future seems to hold more of the same, so don't be surprised if it's a while before I add something after Ch. 45.
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