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Chapter Three is up! Pete and Diane's European adventure continues. Yes, this was largely a reflection chapter but there's eleven more chapters to go, so plenty of more sexy fun is coming.
It's up! And it's straight into the action. I hope y'all enjoy.
I've started releasing What Happens in Europe here. The complete story is available on Bookapy and my Reamstories subscribers got the whole thing months ago. I'll be releasing a chapter a week until it's done.
This one was fun to write. I enjoyed Pete and Diane exploring how their relationship would work.
This is also the first of my character focused / realistic taboo stories. Too many stories in the incest subgenre lack depth. If they weren't called "mom" or "son", they'd be indistinguishable from other sex stories. Well... write what you want to read, right?
Hopefully, y'all will enjoy.
My novella What Happens in Europe is now available at Bookapy. My subscribers at Reamstories have already read it. I'll start releasing it a chapter at a time here in July.
Incest is a taboo for four major reasons. The first is the genetic aspect. Individuals who are close genetically and have children increase the changes of those children having birth defects from recessive genes. While this is less of an issue with modern birth control, the risk still influences our cultural thinking.
The second is the Westermark effect. We appear to be psychologically wired to not find people we grew up in close proximity with to be sexually attractive. This means that something quite unusual must have occurred for people to be interested in pursuing a sexual relationship when they know each other well.
The third reason is power dynamics. All close blood relationships have power dynamics at some level mixed into the relationship. Furthermore, these dynamics cannot be simply dissolved. One can quit a job, one can break up with a boyfriend, but one’s sister will still be one’s sister even if there’s never any contact again. When power dynamics mix with sex, the possibilities for abuse abound.
Finally, the need for secrecy causes challenges. Even if the sex itself doesn’t cause issues, the need to keep it secret from the world at large can distort the lives of those involved.
Given these potential issues in real life, fiction is a much better place to explore the taboo. The reader can play with the ideas and enjoy the relationships and the sex while knowing that nothing bad happened to any actual person.
This is a post I originally made on my reamstories site. If you're interested, check me out there. Those taboo stories will appear here after a delay.
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