Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Big Ed Magusson: Blog


New Taboo Story--Let It Snow

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I've started releasing Let It Snow here. It's a ten chapter novella and I'll be releasing a chapter per week. The full novella is available on Bookapy and my Ream subscribers had it last fall (so if you want early reads of my stories, sign up there).

This one is straightforward and fun. I hope y'all enjoy.

Clitoride Nominations due in ~10 days

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Hey folks,

If there's a story released in 2024 that you really liked, remember that the Clitoride nominations close on the 28th, a mere 10 days from now (or slightly longer depending on your time zone). So give your favorites some love!

New Taboo story on Bookapy, Let It Snow

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I've got a new Taboo story on Bookapy--sales text below. It's a bit shorter but still a lot of fun.

Snowed in? No problem!

It’s a cliché, or is it? Brandon’s trapped in a mountain cabin with his sister. He knows what he wants. But does she? How can he find out without destroying their relationship?

If you like character-driven taboo erotica, you’ll enjoy Let it Snow. Yeah, you know the plot. Time to enjoy the journey.

Desirable Layovers Collection on Bookapy

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All four Desirable Layovers comics are available on Bookapy as a collection, with a small discount compared to buying the individually.

That's a wrap! (Ghost Images)

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That's a wrap!

Ghost Images has finished posting. If you liked it, please review or comment. If you want to chat about it, drop me a message or say something on Discord.

The next story here will be Let It Snow. It's a bro-sis story. The ebook will be available in mid-January and I'll start posting chapters in mid-February. Note that my Reamstories subscribers have already read it and are well into the first Drawing the Line novel (they get everything at least three months before anyone else).

Okay--time to get back to writing more character driven taboo. ;-)



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